Das Geschäft ist in zwei Segmente unterteilt: Upstream, Downstream und Industrials. Aker Solutions Stord, tidlegare Kværner Stord AS, A/S Stord Sildoljefabrik, AS Stord, AS Stord Verft, Aker Kværner Stord AS og Aker Stord AS er eit verft på Stord i Hordaland eigd av Kværner ASA. Kværner Stord er ein sentral aktør i utbygginga av dei store installasjonane på Norsk sokkel. Kværner Stord har 1698 tilsette (2014). Kværner ASA, norsk ingeniør- og entreprenørkoncern. Virksomheden voksede frem gennem et halvt århundrede som et samarbejde mellem lokale maskinfabrikker og værfter, siden også som producenter af udstyr til papirindustrien, vandkraftudvinding og offshore-aktiviteter mv., og i 1960 valgtes Kværner som fællesnavn. Read Kvaerner ASA v.
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Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 0 kr. i kurtage. Klik her for at følge aktiekursen i realtid Aker ASA publiserer resultater for første kvartal 2021 fredag 7. mai 2021 klokken 07:00. Du kan følge webcast-presentasjon her fra klokken 09:00 samme dag.
It provides technologies and products for offshore 4 September 2020 - Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA ("Kvaerner") regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA ("Aker Solutions") as further set out in the merger plan dated 17 July 2020 (the "Merger"). Kværner ASA: Kvaerner awarded platform recycling job The Aker BP operated Valhall and Hod fields have since production started in 1982 produced more than one billion barrels of oil equivalents. After the new production and accommodation platform came in 2013, some of the oil installations will be removed. Kvaerner specialiserar sig på att leverera stora EPC-projekt, främst inom offshore olje- och gassektorn, och har en väldigt stark position i sina huvudmarknader, speciellt i Norge.
2020-03-04 Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA ("Kvaerner") regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA ("Aker Solutions") as further set out in Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for oil and gas operators and other engineering and fabrication contractors. Kvaerner and its approximately 2 700 HSSE-focused and experienced employees are recognised for delivering some of the world's most amazing and demanding projects. 2020-03-04 9 November 2020 – Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA (”Kvaerner”) regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA (”Aker Solutions”) as further set out in the merger plan dated 17 July 2020 (the ”Merger”). 2020-09-25 Invitation to presentation of results for third quarter 2020 Wed, Oct 14, 2020 08:33 CET. 14 October 2020 – Kværner ASA’s results for the third quarter 2020, will be published through the Oslo Stock Exchange on Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 07:00 CET. Kvaerner ASA has a current order backlog of $1,344 million. However, the company’s order backlog was $1,085 million in 1Q17 and it shrunk to $969 million by 4Q17. It’s only in 1Q18 and 2Q18 Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for oil and gas operators and other engineering and fabrication contractors. Kvaerner and its approximately 2 700 HSSE-focused and experienced employees are recognised for delivering some of the world's most amazing and demanding projects.
Arctic Securities AS is acting exclusively for Kvaerner in connection with the merger and for no one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than Kvaerner for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing advice in relation to the merger. Kvaerner ASA offers engineering, procurement and construction services. The Company serves oil and gas operators, industrial companies and other engineering and fabrication companies.
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Its business is divided into two … 10 November 2020 – Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA (“Kvaerner”) regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA (“Aker Solutions”) as further set out in the merger plan dated 17 July 2020 (the “Merger”). The Merger contemplates that Aker Solutions will absorb all the kværner asa: merger with aker solutions asa to be completed. not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in or into the united … 2020-09-30 Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for operators and contractors within oil and gas, renewable energy and in the field of engineering and fabrication. Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for operators and contractors within oil and gas, renewable energy and in Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for operators and contractors within oil and gas, renewable energy and in OSLO, Norway, Nov. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA (“Kvaerner“) regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA (“Aker Solutions“) as further set out in the merger plan dated 17 July 2020 (the “Merger“).
Selskapet har gjennom sin lange historie vært gjennom store endringer gjennom kraftig ekspansjon og internasjonalisering, konkurs, fusjoner og oppkjøp. 14 September 2016 - Statoil has made a call-off from the framework agreement for upgrading of the Njord A semi-submersible platform, which includes preparations and docking of the platform. | April 21, 2021
Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for operators and contractors within oil and gas, renewable energy and in the field of engineering and fabrication.In 2019, Kvaerner's Field Development segment had consolidated annual revenues of NOK 9.4 billion and the company reported an order backlog at 30 September 2020 of NOK 9 billion. 2020-09-18 07:00:00 Kværner ASA: Announcement of final exchange ratio in relation to the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA +1,06% | 9,55 MNOK 2020-09-15 08:03:11 Kværner ASA: «Nye» Kværner verft på Stord åpnes +0,97% | 6,75 MNOK
Shares in Kvaerner ASA are currently trading at NOK9.26 and the price has moved by -27.23% over the past 365 days.
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Address 2020-11-10 10 November 2020 - Reference is made to the previous stock exchange announcements made by Kværner ASA ("Kvaerner") regarding the contemplated merger with Aker Solutions ASA ("Aker Solutions") as further set out in the merger plan dated 17 July 2020 (the "Merger").