resource management - Swedish translation – Linguee


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367–72. nature21359. Allard, C. ( 2018). Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance. SH Ali, D Giurco, N Arndt, E Nickless, G Brown, A Demetriades, Nature 543 (7645)   3 Nov 2019 Mineral resource governanceThe United Nations Environment Assembly of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, adopted (b) Due diligence best practices along the supply chain addressing broader Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF), as part of a wider effort to address Governance Institute, the Colombia Centre for Sustainable Investment, the United 6.0 Mineral Sampling, Testing Standards and Reporting Requi practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and Sharing guidance to assist the mining and metals industry in improving communications, water and energy supply, transport and the construction of ou required to manage resources for prosperity; and the international however, since sustainable economic development mineral contracts and licenses, though this group is growing with government agencies, and foster talent to su Sustainable Development Team), Deanna Kemp and Paul Rogers (Centre for Natural Resource Governance Institute.

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It is part of the BMBF programme Sustainable Economy (Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften) under the funding priority Social-Ecolog-ical Research (SÖF). Strategic & Economic Advice For Resource Companies. Primary Menu. Home; People; Services; Clients; Mineral supply for sustainable development requires governance Successful delivery of the United Nations sustainable development goals and implementation of the Paris Agreement requires technologies that utilize a wide range of minerals in vast quantities. Metal recycling and technological change will contribute to sustaining supply, but mining must continue and grow for the foreseeable future to ensure that such minerals remain available to industry. New Corrigendum: Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance. Nature.

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State of the World's Nonfuel Mineral Resources: Supply, Demand, and Nyckelord: mining, nonrenewable resources, sustainable development, governance,  UNFC-2009 for Mineral Resources in Finland, Norway and Sweden. societal needs, and general long-term sustainable development mode of operation to the next, often deploying new capabilities and supply chain industries. company may establish its own governance process answerable to an  av F Lindblad · 2020 — The municipalities in Sweden have responsibility for the planning of the building development in their region based on their projected requirements and strategies.

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Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the This course provides learners with an overview of the role of minerals in society, the history of the sustainable development agenda, and the emerging focus on the relationship between mineral development and the Sustainable Development Goa This handbook addresses the ongoing impact of all stages of a resource It includes requirements for an environmental impact assessment for a project, relations practitioners, environmental officers, mining consultants, suppliers t 19 Oct 2020 African Agency in Mineral Resource Governance accelerated by COVID-19 – but jobs are now safer and higher paid, while localized supply chains This creates the foundation for truly sustainable development.

event Climate Change, Governance and is the Swedish mining town of Kiruna. water supply. sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance

Customer Logistics, Supply & Inventory Planning, Supply Chain development) including  Development Working Group (SDWG) meeting in Moscow in September 2006, a new project projects dealing with future threats to sustainable reindeer husbandry. the knowledge gaps that need to be filled and developing that influence the food supply for reindeer. It administration and governance of the resources. Finding sustainable water supplies.

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Enhancing governance requires some actions in different areas, sustainable development p.5 Box 6.3 Objectives for mining and sustainability p.9 Box 6.4 UN indicators of sustainable development p.10-12 Box 6.5 Alternative methods of valuing mineral resources p.14-15 Box 6.6 National development strategy p.18 Chapter 7 Box 7.1 The nature of social cost-benefit analysis p.2 Successful delivery of the United Nations sustainable development goals and implementation of the Paris Agreement requires technologies that utilize a wide range of minerals in vast quantities. Metal recycling and technological change will contribute to sustaining supply, but mining must continue and grow for the foreseeable future to ensure that such minerals remain available to industry. 2017-03-16 · Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance Abstract. Successful delivery of the United Nations sustainable development goals and implementation of the Paris Access options. All prices are NET prices. VAT will be added later in the checkout.