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IR või Ir võib tähendada järgmist: .ir on Iraani tippdomeen Internetis; Ir on iriidiumi tähis; Ir, Eestis elavate osseetide organisatsioon; Iran Air (IATA IR) Infrapunakiirguse lühend inglise keeles Infrared radiation (IR Upto IR version 6, the ONNX specification and model format addressed only inference (also known as scoring). Starting from IR version 7, the ONNX specification and model format has been extended to support training. IR Service. Powered by .

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Pris inkl. moms: SEK: 1 832,50. Lägg till i kundvagnen. Ships within 7-9 weeks  Swedish (Sweden); Produkter och lösningar; Produkter A-Ö; Mätning och reglering; Photometers; DIT-IR, Infrared Interface Module. Växla  IR kontakt. Bonava strävar efter att ge våra investerare, kapitalmarknaden och andra intressenter öppen, relevant och korrekt information för att öka förståelsen  Press · IR · Finansiella rapporter · Obligation · Grönt ramverk · Styrelse · Ledning · Finansiell kalender · IR-kontakt · Site logo · Sticky header logo · Mobile logo. Designed with advanced UV and infrared sensing technology, the FL3100 Flame Detector senses unwanted fires, issuing alarm outputs right from the detector.

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kor; eng; chn(简) chn(繁) jpn; about us What does ir mean? Information retrieval. (abbreviation) A silver-white metallic element, iridium has 77 electrons around its nucleus and, therefore, is number 77 in the Periodic Table of Elements.

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Sophie Arnius. Head of Investor Relations Telefon: +46 70 590 80 72. E-post:

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Odds are that if you need to contact them about something, someone, somewhere has made a mistake, and even under the best circumstances, taxes can be confusing and frustr In December 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in the United States.