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In "Reaffirmations," her epilogue to the fifth edition of Lit- erature as Exploration (1995), Louise reveals features of her background that prepared her for developing her transac- tional theory. She … Additional Physical Format: Print version: Rosenblatt, Louise M. (Louise Michelle). Literature as exploration. New York, London, D. Appleton-Century Co. [©1938] literature than any other critic” (vii). In . Literature as Exploration, Rosenblatt reminds us that the reader plays a vital role in the life of any piece of literature: “There is no such thing as a generic reader or a generic literary work; there are only the potential millions of individual readers or the potential (PRWEB) February 18, 2005 Best known for the influential Literature as Exploration (1938), in which she argued that literature involves a transaction between the reader, the writer, and the text, and for her continuing work in reader response theory, Louise was a vital force in education for many decades, as well as a longtime and beloved friend to NCTE and its members.
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Louise Rosenblatt's Literature as Exploration has influenced literary theorists and teachers of literature at all levels. This attractive trade paperback edition features a new foreword by Wayne Booth, a new preface and retrospective chapter by the author, and an updated list of suggested readings. page 28 Voices from the Middle, Volume 12 Number 3, March 2005 Rosenblatt | Literature as Exploration and The Reader, the Text, the Poem this view of the literary work as personal evoca- tion, the product of creative activity carried on by the reader under the guidance of the text. She is best known for her two influential texts: Literature as Exploration (1938) was originally completed for the Commission on Human Relations and was a publication of the Progressive Education Association (it subsequently went through 5 editions); The Reader, The Text, The Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978), in which she argues that the act of reading literature involves a transaction (Dewey's term) between the reader and the text.
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Rosenblatt's transactional theory of literature examines the reciprocal nature of the literary experience and explains why 23 Sep 2016 My book is called Literature as Exploration. It's an old book, strangely, originally published in 1938. The author is Louise Rosenblatt, she was a 15 Feb 2005 The University of Chicago's Wayne Booth, writing the foreword to the 5th edition of Literature as Exploration, noted, “I doubt that any other literary 8 Feb 2005 Theory of the Literary Work (1978). An examination of Rosenblatt's illus- trious career demonstrates that she took the notion of exploration seri-.
Literature as exploration / Louise M. Rosenblatt ; with - LIBRIS
6 Lars Elleström. Divine madness: on interpreting literature, music, and the av E Knip-Häggqvist · 2010 · Citerat av 6 — 3.3.2 Louise Rosenblatt och efferent och estetisk läsning.
The reader, the text, the poem: The transactional theory of the literary work ( Revised paperback edition ). Carbondale, IL : Southern Illinois University Press .
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With such a 5 Feb 2019 In a forward to Rosenblatt's fifth edition of Literature as Exploration, another eminent literary and pedagogical scholar Wayne Booth confesses of Louise Rosenblatt Literature as Exploration (1938) Reader's engage with a text as a transaction. The reading of a text is an EVENT in which the reader.
This attractive trade paperback edition
99-115 and 'Louise Rosenblatt and the Ethical Turn in Literary Theory', College English, 70 (2007): 20 Louise M. Rosenblatt, Literature as Exploration, 4th ed. 24 Apr 2019 Her first book, Literature as Exploration, which was published in 1938, has gone through five editions and remains in print in the early 21st
Literature as Exploration by Louise M. Rosenblatt (New York: D. Appleton Century Co., 1938).
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Write review. About Google Books - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Information for Publishers - Report an Louise M. Rosenblatt. New York Neither contemporary reading theory nor literary theory has done justice to this question.