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‐ Malus: from €50 (for 138g CO2/km WLTP) to €20,000 (213g CO2/km or more under WLTP). CO2‐based scrapping scheme: incentives for scrapping an old vehicle and replacing it with a low‐ emission vehicle (less than 116g CO2/km WLTP). Annual malus: €160 for cars emitting over 190g CO2/km. In particular, the following details are required for each new passenger car registered: manufacturer name, type approval number, type, variant, version, make and commercial name, specific emissions of CO2 (NEDC and WLTP protocols), masses of the vehicle, wheel base, track width, engine capacity and power, fuel type and mode, eco-innovations and electricity consumption. Until 2020, both the NEDC and WLTP standards will be maintained, whereas NEDC will remain the legally binding norm for CO 2 target monitoring of manufacturers.
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”Den angivna bränsleförbrukningen och utsläppsvärdena utgår från EU-förordning (EG) 715/2007 i Värdena är enligt WLTP-körcykeln. Från och med 1 januari 2020 har WLTP helt ersatt den tidigare körcykeln NEDC. Union Jack LED rear. The service provided by this Website as described in the relative terms (if available) and on this site/application. European Union (or EU). Unless otherwise Nya Flying Spur - WLTP-körcykel – Bränsleförbrukning i l/100 km: Låg 24,2; tillgång till och kan bedriva handel inom EU:s inre marknad och tullunion. Läs mer.
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Manufacturers may already start requesting WLTP approvals for new car types when the legislation comes into force in the European Union (no sooner than end July 2017). WLTP will apply to all new car registrations from September 2018. From 1 January 2019, all cars in dealerships should have WLTP-CO2 values only to avoid any confusion among consumers, in the view of the automobile industry Testing under the EU’s RDE must also follow the procedures detailed in the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), a core element of Global Technical Regulation 15 (GTR 15), which was approved in March 2014 by the EU, China and nine other countries.
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This modified cold start test was referred to as the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) or as the MVEG-B test. WLTP : The Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) and the corresponding Test Cycle (WLTC) [3635] [3636] replaced the NEDC procedure. The first target fully applied from 2015 onward and a new target will be phased in in 2020 and fully apply from 2021 onward. On 17 April 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Regulation (EU) 2019/631 which introduces CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new vans for 2025 and 2030.
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Due to evolutions in technology and driving conditions, it became outdated. The European Union has therefore developed a new test, called the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP).
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The EU automobile industry welcomes the shift to WLTP, and has been contributing actively to the development of this new test cycle.
The CO2 targets that car manufacturers have to meet by 2021 are based on the old NEDC test, the so-called New European Driving Cycle. From the introduction of the new WLTP test in September 2017, the WLTP-CO2 values will be translated back to NEDC-equivalent values to monitor compliance against the CO2 targets set by the European Union
Green - European Union (28 countries) Light grey – other 4 European countries (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland) Black - Candidate countries: Turkey (WLTP applies for imported vehicles; for locally produced vehicles NEDC applies), Israel and outlying EU regions (still unclear): Réunion Island, Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, St. Martin, Mayotte
Because of the shortcomings of the old car emissions test, the European Union has introduced a new lab test, called the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). With the WLTP, testing conditions have become much more realistic.
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Starting in September 2017, all new vehicle models2 are type-approved following the WLTP instead of the NEDC test procedure Improving testing procedures - as of 1 September 2017, new car models will have to pass new and more reliable emissions tests in real driving conditions ('Real Driving Emissions' – RDE) as well as an improved laboratory test ('World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure' – WLTP) before they can be driven on European roads. • EU WLTP is being prepared as a new implementing and amending regulation of co-decision EC No. 715/2007 that will eventually replace the current EC No. 692/2008 (NEDC) • EC No. 692/2008 uses separate annexes for the criteria emissions test, CO. 2. emissions test , HEV test procedure etc. ‐ Malus: from €50 (for 138g CO2/km WLTP) to €20,000 (213g CO2/km or more under WLTP). CO2‐based scrapping scheme: incentives for scrapping an old vehicle and replacing it with a low‐ emission vehicle (less than 116g CO2/km WLTP). Annual malus: €160 for cars emitting over 190g CO2/km.