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Osbeckia - Unionpedia

It looked like a small tree, about 10 feet tall. Photo taken in Kodaikanal. The plant uploaded seems to be Osbeckia octandra efi page on Osbeckia […] Osbeckia (Osbeckia octandra) flower used for medicine, Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, Sri Lanka. Photographer. Kevin Schafer. Online Date.

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It is estimated that by 2030 approximately 5.82% of the world’s population will be affected.1 There Osbeckia octandra* Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: MELASTOMACEAE: English name: Local name: Heen bovitiya: Tamil name: Sanskrit name: Conservation status: Description: A much branched shrublet, up to about 2 m tall. Leaves 1.5-6 x 0.5-2 cm; petiole 1-5 mm long. Osbeckia octandra (Heen bowitiya) is an endemic plant in Sri Lanka and it is used in traditional medicine to treat various liver disorders. The present study is aimed to evaluate the හීන් බෝවිටියා (Heen Boovitiyaa) - Osbeckia Octandra - YouTube. හීන් බෝවිටියා (Heen Boovitiyaa) - Osbeckia Octandra. Watch later. Share.

Osbeck - Musical Darsteller Info Gallery

G.NO.45. Melastoma  Osbeckia octandra , 8 nhị hoa osbeckia , là một loài thực vật trong chi Osbeckia thuộc họ Melastomataceae . Nó được coi là đặc hữu của Sri Lanka , nơi nó  Osbeckia octandra; Osbeckia parvifolia; Osbeckia reticulata; Osbeckia rheedii; Osbeckia rubicunda; Osbeckia setoso-annulata; Osbeckia stellata; Osbeckia thorelii  15 Mar 2014 Binomial Name : Osbeckia octandra.

Lista över vanliga träd och buskar i Sri Lanka - List of common trees

The plant uploaded seems to be Osbeckia octandra efi page on Osbeckia […] Osbeckia (Osbeckia octandra) flower used for medicine, Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, Sri Lanka. Photographer. Kevin Schafer.

Osbeckia octandra, the eight stamen osbeckia, is a plant species in the genus Osbeckia of the family Melastomataceae. It is considered to be endemic to Sri  Osbeckia octandra DC.;.
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Osbeckia octandra

It looked like a small tree, about 10 feet tall. Photo taken in Kodaikanal. The plant uploaded seems to be Osbeckia octandra efi page on Osbeckia […] Osbeckia (Osbeckia octandra) flower used for medicine, Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, Sri Lanka. Photographer.

It looked like a small tree, about 10 feet tall. Photo taken in Kodaikanal. The plant uploaded seems to be Osbeckia octandra efi page on Osbeckia […] Osbeckia (Osbeckia octandra) flower used for medicine, Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, Sri Lanka.
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Sarala Jeevanthi Gamage, SS Hussain and 2 more people faved this. Colink321 · Shanthy Wijay. Error loading comments. Osbeckia octandra is a plant used in traditional medicine to treat jaundice and other liver disorders. In this study, the effects of Osbeckia leaf extract on  Osbeckia octandra DC. appears in other Kew resources: · IPNI - The International Plant Names Index · Herbarium Catalogue (6 records)  Osbeckia aspera in liver dysfunction in rats tive effects of aqueous extracts of Osbeckia octandra with an extract of O.octandra or 0.aspera, the CC14. Osbeckia octandra, the eight stamen osbeckia, is a plant species in the genus Osbeckia of the family Melastomataceae. It is considered to be endemic to Sri  The results of the present study have confirmed the long history of the use of aqueous leaf extract of Osbeckia octandra in traditional medicine for diabetes  Osbeckia octandra against CC14-induced liver damage has been studied in albino rats in livers of rats pre-treated with Osbeckia for 7 days, CC14 had hardly.