Recab expanderar via förvärv av Synective Labs - Evertiq


Utvecklare FPGA, Stockholm / Göteborg / Linköping

Läs mer om Synective Labs Aktiebolag v1.0.7696.25091 Logga in E-postadress * * Synspective provides one-stop-solutions by satellite gathered geospatial data. The core technology was developed by the ImPACT program led by The Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, building small SAR satellites and constellations, allowing frequent observation of areas of interest (AOI). Synective Labs Aktiebolag - Org.nummer: 5567514012. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 7,4%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (3), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) . Ansvarig är Niklas Ljung 56 år.

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NOTE och Synective Labs tecknar samarbetsavtal ons, sep 22, 2004 14:40 CET. NOTE och Synective Labs tecknar samarbetsavtal NOTE har tecknat ett samarbetsavtal med Synective Labs. Avtalet innebär att NOTE kan erbjuda sina kunder fördjupad kompetens inom utveckling av avancerad elektronik och mjukvara. Synective has a very experienced team dedicated to deliver top value to our customers. We have offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Linköping.

Recab expanderar via förvärv av Synective Labs - Evertiq

The rejection of our newest word, because a definition was already available, caused us to feel synective. #synectomy #synectiveness #sinectomy #sinective #syncrotomy Synective Labs, being a leading company within FPGA and ASIC design, will continue its successful operation as an independent entity, working with existing customers and partners. This is Recab: Recab is a Scandinavian specialist company for demanding applications, owned by technology trading group Addtech AB. Subscription-based services which are optimized for your business and industry. With its intuitive UI/UX, even if you have never dealt with satellite data before the analysis results are easy to use for many businesses.

Synective Labs - Masterhelp

Synective Labs will … We provide solutions and design services to customers within the telecom, med tech, defence and automotive markets.Synective Labs have a strong network of technology partners such as Intel and Xilinx.

Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (3), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) . Ansvarig är Niklas Ljung 56 år. På Ratsit hittar du Telefonnummer Adress Årsredovisning m.m. Alltid uppdaterat. Synective Labs - US.åsli-9a26121 Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Synective was founded back in 2003 around a group of experts on using FPGAs for high performance computations, with the mission to bring acceleration technology out to customers around the world.
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Synective Labs AB - Detailed information - Largestcompanies

Synective also started early using GPU technology for generic computations, long before CUDA and OpenCL was introduced and enabled this technology to a broader audience. Synective Labs, being a leading company within FPGA and ASIC design, will continue its successful operation as an independent entity, working with existing customers and partners.