Federica Sebastiani - Researcher - Malmö University LinkedIn


Scientific publications - from saliva to sensors, semiconductors

CrossRef Google Scholar chem phys lipids 润色咨询. chemistry and physics of lipids. 出版年份:1966 年文章数:108 投稿命中率:50.0%. 出版周期:bimonthly 自引率:5.0% 审稿周期:平均3.5月 A paper where we use Slipids to study water-membrane partitioning and the effects of polarization with a simplified model is now published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., see Publications.

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Lipids 213, 102-110 (2018). (pdf) SM (pdf) John F. Nagle, X-ray scattering reveals molecular tilt is an order parameter for the main phase transition in a model biomembrane. Phys. Rev. E 96, 030401 (2017). (pdf) J. F. Nagle, Experimentally Determined Tilt and Bending Moduli of Single-Component Lipid Bilayers.

List of publications - Jerker Widengren - KTH

Titlar. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. ISSN. 0009-3084.

Arnold Maliniak - Stockholm University

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids publishes research papers and review articles on chemical and physical aspects of lipids with primary emphasis on the  Unlocking the lipid labyrinth - p 471. doi :10.1038/nchembio.404. Progress in understanding the functions of individual lipids has lagged behind that for other  LIPIDAT: a database of lipid phase transition temperatures and enthalpy changes .

B 119 Lipid Heterogeneity Resulting from Fatty Acid Processing in the  N. A. Khan, W. O. Lundberg, R. T. Holmann, Displacement analysis of lipids IX. Products of the oxidation of methyl linoleate, J. Am. Oil Chem Soc. M. Kasha, Red chemiluminescence of molecular oxygen in aqueous solution, J. Chem. Phys. av X Huang · 2018 · Citerat av 30 — Salinomycin Accumulates in the Endoplasmic Reticulum and in Lipid Ivan G. Scheblykin - Department of Chemical Physics and NanoLund,  av J Adler · 2019 · Citerat av 9 — Tracking single particles on supported lipid membranes: multimobility diffusion and nanoscopic confinement.
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Chem phys lipids

Chem Phys Lipids. 2005 Mar;134(1):59-68. Epub 2005 Jan 26.

Phys. Lipids, 37, 357. Chem.
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For each lipid/cholesterol mixture, four solvent mixtures were made by weighing D2O and H2O directly into the four nalgene vials containing the sample.