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Create, share and explore a wide variety of Smite god guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. SMITE: Erlang Shen God Build Guide In this Erlang Shen Guide, we provide an overview of his strengths, skills, matchups and provide a handful of t by Lewis Burnell on Jul 25, 2016 Follow Ten Ton Hammer; Overview. Erlang Shen is a hugely flexible God that's capable of building for maximum damage or maximum defence. Find top Gilgamesh build guides by Smite players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of Smite god guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. Achilles Amaterasu Bellona Chaac Cu Chulainn Erlang Shen Gilgamesh Guan Yu Hercules Horus King Arthur Mulan Nike Odin Osiris Sun Wukong Tyr Vamana. How do most of you build Erlang Shen?

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img 5 Smite ERLANG SHEN Builds & Guides For Smite Game img. 25 Jul 2016 In this Erlang Shen Guide, we provide an overview of his strengths, skills, matchups and provide a handful of tips and tricks. 24 אוגוסט 2020 Smite The 19 0 Erlang Shen Solo Carry Erlang Shen Damage Build. Smite Smite Ps4 Baby S First Erlang Arena Erlang Shen Arena Youtube. 11 Jul 2016 Building half for defense and half for damage, he gets plenty of power just by being him; no need to stack tons of damage items!

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TEM UM "SEGREDO" !===== The photos you provided may be used to improve Bing image processing services. So I'll propose my thought on Erlang Shen. Smite Forums > Community > General SMITE Discussion > Erlang Shen isn't getting what he needs.

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Home (current) Smite Gods; Smite Items; Tier List; Update Notes; v7.6. THE ILLUSTRIOUS SAGE ERLANG SHEN Erlang Shen AA Jungle Erlang Shen Build Guide Standard build but with less attack speed and more CDR for easier escapes and ganks. Leveling Order. Skills Section.

In today's video we will be playing him in the solo lane. Erlang Shen has Erlang Shen AA Jungle Erlang Shen Build Guide Standard build but with less attack speed and more CDR for easier escapes and ganks. Leveling Order.
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It seems what I found online is there is two schools of thought with him. One with quite a bit of attack speed and one with movement speed and attack speed. Also, there is the question of how tanky you want to go in a normal match. My build for Erlang Shen is usually Warrior Tabi, GShield, BOV, Masamura, MDiscord, More posts from the Smite community. 2.3k.

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Wordlist Plants Nature - Scribd

Cowardly and quick the dragon slithered into the rapid river waters but erlang shen captured it with a … PATCH!