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Julia Tsvetkova, a 26-year-old feminist activist and leader of the children's theatre “Merak”, has been arrested in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia. Julia has been accused of “distribution of pornographic materials.” This is how prosecution sees her artwork that is dedicated to body-positive feminism. Yulia Tsvetkova By the end of 2018, at the age of 25, Yulia Tsvetkova had already made some of her dreams come true: opening a theatre for kids, launching a sex-ed project for teenagers, and creating feminist resources online. 2021-04-13 · Yulia Tsvetkova on an iPad on 16 July 2020. Ulf Mauder/picture alliance via Getty Images In Russia, outspoken artists who push back against the establishment are often punished for their efforts.
According to Russian authorities, Tsvetkova’s works amount to “production and dissemination of pornographic materials.” This is Yulia Tsvetkova from Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Russia’s Far East. Yulia is a feminist, an LGBT+ activist, an artist, and a founder of a theatre studio for teenagers. “I am a scary woman,” she Yulia Tsvetkova, 26, is from Russia’s far east region of Khabarovsk. Neither her mother nor lawyer know the factual basis for the criminal accusation, but if prosecuted and convicted, Yulia faces Yulia Tsvetkova faces charges of "spreading pornography" for artwork promoting body positivity, including for posting vagina drawings on social media. Her case has sparked a wave of support among Yulia Tsvetkova, an artist based in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Russia's Far East. In early July, feminists and activists from the Tel Aviv Municipal LGBTQ Community Center held a vigil for Tsvetkova in the city’s Habima Square. Yulia Tsvetkova is on trial and faces six years in prison under Russian pornography laws for her body-positive feminist artworks.
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Yulia Tsvetkova, 27, had been under house arrest from November to March in the remote city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur before authorities lifted her house arrest. View the profiles of people named Yulia Tsvetkova. Join Facebook to connect with Yulia Tsvetkova and others you may know.
Jag drömde att en råtta biter. Varför drömma om en råttbett på
till vår höstverkstad för barnhantverk Natalia Tsvetkova (Cherepovets, Författaren till mästarklassen är Yulia Kameneva med sin son Maxim maileysom kommer att försöka komma före den ryska kvinnan Yulia Efimova, (Julia Larina, Irina Novikova, Daria Tsvetkova, Valeria Kolotushkina; Maria Gestaltterapeut Yulia Sushkova: "Det hände i mitt liv att jag nästan samtidigt Gestaltterapeut Marina Tsvetkova: "I receptionen talade kvinnan om hennes Yulia. pojke till sysslor. men det är bara en dröm)) Dream Interpreter är en kille som gillar Tsvetkova. Först och främst råder drömboken att uppmärksamma till vår höstverkstad för barnhantverk Natalia Tsvetkova Chavdarovna Författaren till mästarklassen är Yulia Kameneva med sin son Maxim UDC 336.64 Ekonomi Rakhmukova Yulia Andreevna 4: e årsstudent vid fakulteten för Tsvetkova I.I. Klassificering av personalrisker // Ekonomi och ledning.
About. Yulia Tsvetkova hotas med 6 års fängelse för sin konst och aktivism.
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Die russische Aktivistin und Künstlerin Yulia Tsvetkova wird strafrechtlich verfolgt und schikaniert, 18 Feb 2020 Feminist artist Yulia Tsvetkova, who lives in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, has been charged with unlawful preparation and trafficking of pornographic 13 Apr 2021 The 'Kafkaesque' trial of the artist and activist Yulia Tsvetkova has now begun. 9 Apr 2020 Yulia Tsvetkova is a Russian artist and activist promoting women's well-being and LGBTQ awareness.
According to Russian authorities, Tsvetkova’s works amount to “production and dissemination of
6 JULY 2020 UPDATES:1. Authorities have examined the body-positive drawings "A Woman is not a Doll" and have not found pornography.
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21-February-2020 Statement from Coalition to Free the Kremlin’s Political Prisoners “We believe that the criminal prosecution of Julia Tsvetkova was caused by her social activities and an active feminist position.