Historiska beskedet: Direktpress och Mitt i går samman



DirektPress focuses on local news and advertisers and today has a circulation of nearly 1 million for its weekly newspapers. DirektPress preparing for growth using Roxen Editorial Portal Wed, Jun 19, 2013 22:33 CET. DirektPress, one of Sweden’s largest publishers of local free sheets, moves its 19 publications to Roxen Editorial Portal. DirektPress focuses on local news and advertisers and today has a circulation of nearly 1 million for its weekly newspapers. DirektPress har 2015 startat 16 nya tidningar i regionen och idag rapporterar 30 till 40 reportrar från Stockholms alla hörn på StockholmDirekt.se. Med hjälp av digitala utvecklare på Roxen AB arbetar StockholmDirekt ständigt med att utveckla det digitala berättandet både för läsare och annonsörer. Roxen Editorial Portal SaaS har valts ut av DirektPress, en av Sveriges största utgivare av annonsfinansierade lokaltidningar. Roxen ska hjälpa huset att “Roxen made a true effort to understand our needs and their support has been incredibly proactive.

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More Biggest gainer in Swedish press - Hyperlocal Direktpress continues to grow  Roxen grows in Scandinavia | Roxen bild. Svea Gruppen. naboran koncert PICRYL Public Domain Search. Snabbväxande Direktpress väljer Roxen | Roxen​  2 nov.

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Ring: 08-545 870 70. Mejla: salj.stockholm@direktpress.se I Direktpress "sidfabrik" på Valhallavägen redigeras varje vecka 1000 sidor på tre dagar, det gör Direktpress till bland de effektivaste tidningsmakarna i världen.

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DirektPress, one of Sweden’s largest publishers of local free sheets, moves its 19 publications to Roxen Editorial Portal.

The workflow had started to become complicated and we added time-consuming steps to ensure the quality of our publications. Roxen is focusing on small and mid-size publishers that don’t have the resources to develop their own systems. Now Direktpress is working closely with Roxen on online strategies and other projects that will improve traffic, efficiency and keep reporters on the street in the neighborhoods they cover. Direktpress is the latest in a number of Scandinavian news organizations that have adopted the Roxen content management system this year.
Ip 190

Roxen direktpress

Britta Sahlgrens Gata 8C 421 31 Västra Frölunda E-post: Roxen grows in Scandinavia. Roxen grows with new customers in Scandinavia, one of the world's most demanding media markets. Among the new customers is Direktpress, Sweden's leading hyperlocal news publisher, now live on the Roxen content management system for editing, production and distribution of news online.

Roxen AB. Österåker/Vaxholm.
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naboran koncert PICRYL Public Domain Search.