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Och om jag vill vill ta mig från kilo till mega  What is kilo, mega, giga, tera . "kilo", "mega", "milli" etc are called "prefixes": Prefix: a word Here we list the prefix for commonly used big and small numbers :  tera - Prefix · lepidoptera lepidopteran. noun insect that in the adult state has four wings more or less covered with tiny scales · coleoptera coleoptera. (Zoöl.)  Answers for what the prefix 'tera' means crossword clue.

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tera \(T\) \(1 000 000 000\) \(10^9\) Miljard: giga \(G\) \(1 000 000\) \(10^6\) Miljon: mega \(M\) \(1 000\) \(10^3\) Tusen: kilo \(k\) \(100\) \(10^2\) Hundra: hekto \(h\) \(10\) \(10^1\) Tio: deka \(da\) \(1\) \(10^0\) Ett (prefix saknas) (symbol saknas) \(0,1\) \(10^{-1}\) Tiondel: deci \(d\) \(0,01\) \(10^{-2}\) Hundradel: centi \(c\) \(0,001\) \(10^{-3}\) Tusendel: milli \(m\) \(0,000 001\) tera \(T\) \(1 000 000 000\) \(10^9\) Miljard: giga \(G\) \(1 000 000\) \(10^6\) Miljon: mega \(M\) \(1 000\) \(10^3\) Tusen: kilo \(k\) \(100\) \(10^2\) Hundra: hekto \(h\) \(10\) \(10^1\) Tio: deka \(da\) \(1\) \(10^0\) Ett (prefix saknas) (symbol saknas) \(0,1\) \(10^-1\) Tiondel: deci \(d\) \(0,01\) \(10^-2\) Hundradel: centi \(c\) \(0,001\) \(10^-3\) Tusendel: milli \(m\) \(0,000 001\) \(10^-6\) The ascending prefixes tera ( 10004 ), peta ( 10005 ), exa ( 10006 ), zetta ( 10007 ), and yotta ( 10008) are based on the Greek-derived numeric prefixes tetra (4), penta (5), hexa (6), hepta (7), and octo (8). In addition, the final letters of the alphabet, z and y, appear in the largest SI prefixes, zetta and yotta. Prefixes: Purpose Prefix Name Preferred Pronunciation Prefix Symbol Value; larger quantities or whole units: yotta: Yä-tuh: Y: 10 24: Septillion: zetta: ZETT-uh: Z: 10 21: Sextillion: exa: EX-uh: E: 10 18: Quintillion: peta: PET-uh: P: 10 15: Quadrillion: tera: TAIR-uh Example: terahertz: T: 10 12: Trillion: giga: JIG-uh Example: gigawatt: G: 10 9: Billion: mega: MEG-uh: M: 10 6: Million: kilo: KILL-oh Example: kiloliter: k: 10 3: Thousand: hecto SI-prefix; Miljon: 10 6: 1000 2: 1000000 1: Mega: Miljard: 10 9: 1000 3: Giga: Biljon: 10 12: 1000 4: 1000000 2: Tera: Biljard: 10 15: 1000 5: Peta: Triljon: 10 18: 1000 6: 1000000 3: Exa: Triljard: 10 21: 1000 7: Zetta: Kvadriljon: 10 24: 1000 8: 1000000 4: Yotta: Kvadriljard: 10 27: 1000 9: Kvintiljon: 10 30: 1000 10: 1000000 5: Kvintiljard: 10 33: 1000 11: Sextiljon: 10 36: 1000 12: 1000000 6: Sextiljard: 10 39: 1000 13: Septiljon: 10 42: 1000 14: 1000000 7: Septiljard: 10 45: 1000 15 Obsolete metric prefixes. Some of the prefixes formerly used in the metric system have fallen into disuse and were not adopted into the SI. The decimal prefix for ten thousand, myria-(sometimes also written as myrio-), and the binary prefixes double-(2×) and demi-(1 / 2 ×) were parts of the original metric system adopted by France in 1795, but were not retained when the SI prefixes were Vanligtvis brukar man använda prefixet tera (T) för att benämna tal med storleksordning en biljon, t.ex. 1 TB = 1 terabyte = 1 000 000 000 000 byte. I detta fall är det terabyte som använder biljardprefixet tera.

A terabyte TB is a measure of computer storage capacity that

Prefix. Symbol.

Prefix Tabeller, Matematik – Formelsamlingen

1 Hur många gånger större är a) en miljon än ett tusen. b) en miljard än ett tusen. c) en biljon än en  Ordet prefix kommer av ett latinskt ord som betyder fäst framför. Prefix, Beteck-, Talvärde, Potens. ning G, 1 000 000 000, 109. tera, T, 1 000 000 000 000, 1012  Benämning. Beteckning.

10-21 atto- a. 10-18 femto- 109 tera-. T. 1012 peta-. P. 1015 exa-.
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Tera prefix

Tera- is a unit prefix in the metric system. Examples: Terawatt, terabyte, teralitre, terameter, terasecond, etc. MEDICAL, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, AND SCIENCE PREFIXES Prefix names of multiples and submultiples of units. Engineering ToolBox - Resources, T - tera: one trillion: 1 000 000 000 000: E 12: P - peta : 1 000 000 000 The latest news from around the world, FREE Premium Products: Only the news you want to read! Learn More: Full-service, expert consulting Instant free online tool for giga to tera conversion or vice versa.

De gråmarkerande prefixen är inte särskilt vanliga inom naturvetenskapen, men flera av dem förekommer i vardagen. Metric Prefix Table. Prefix, Symbol, Multiplier, Exponential P, 1,000,000,000,000,000, 1015. tera, T, 1,000,000,000,000, 1012.
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Prefix - Matematikord - Google Sites

billion. cardinal number. crore. Explore Thesaurus . Definition and synonyms of tera- from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. English words beginning with the prefix tera-. Pages in category "English words prefixed with tera- " The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.