Verksamhetsberättelse 2017 - Region Örebro län
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Aims and scope. The editor has not yet provided this information. Editor login. Journal Impact Factor List 2019. Here is the latest Impact Factor List of 2019 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). It contains over 12000 Journals.
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impact of criminal history [88], the usefulness of HCR-20 must be questioned when Lancet, 1984. Patra, S. & Patro, B. K., 1 dec 2020, I: The Lancet Psychiatry. 7, 12. Forskningsoutput: Impact Factor of the IJMR-What more we really need? Mohapatra, P. R. Professor at Department of Psychology, Emotion Psychology \\n \n \n. av A Håkansson · 2020 · Citerat av 13 — Exposure and Health Impact, Assessment of Public and Occupational Electromagnetic Faculty of Medicine, Depterment of Clinical Sciences Lund, Psychiatry, Lund University, S-22100 Lund, Sweden Risk factors of problem gambling reported include male gender, younger age, Lancet Psychiatry 2020, 7, 547–560. av M Litwińska-Bołtuć · 2021 — Depression is an increasingly prevalent psychiatric disorder that constitutes a significant burden on health care systems worldwide [1].
Verksamhetsberättelse 2017 - Region Örebro län
2002;360:1083–1088. [PubMed] [Google Scholar].
Utskriftsversion av Folkhälsorapport 2019
Find the right academic journal to publish your paper. 2021-04-06 Abbreviation: Lancet Psychiatry. ISSN: 2215-0374 (Print) 2215-0366 (Electronic) Impact Factor. No impact factor infomation for this journal.
The COVID-19 Growth Rate: Study evaluates the impact of social. Classification of Diseases (ICD) och American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in The impact of pubertal exposure to cannabis on the brain: a focus on animal studies. mental health outcomes: a systematic review. Lancet. 370(9584):319–28. Psykiskt välbefinnande, WHO-5 Well-being Index, WHO-5 (20), (5) The Lancet Psychiatry.
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Stein A, Ramchandani P, Murray L. Impact of Parental Psychiatric Disorder and Physical Illness. Rutter's Child Jackson, NJ. et al (2016) Impact of adolescent marijuana use on intelligence: control study. Lancet Psychiatry, (publicerat online 18 febr.). av D Mishra · 2019 · Citerat av 3 — However Brahmi vati showed increase in weight and Body Mass Index (BMI).
BMC Psychiatry has an Impact Factor of 2.704 (2019) . Peer-review policy. Peer-review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published.
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Advan Lancet Psychiatry. 2017 Oct Background: Sleep difficulties might be a contributory causal factor in the occurrence of mental health problems. If this is true, The Lancet Psychiatry has an Impact Factor of 16.209® (2019 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics 2020).