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Telephone: (805) 544-5118 | Fax: (805) 544-7860. Fill out my “Knechts maintains our office's heating and air conditioning system. P.O. Box 54999 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya. Talk to us. Phone: 020–7205000, 0780 -656575,0717445566,0791445566. Email: info@cue.or.ke. Complaints.
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Further inquiries can be forwarded to exams@knec.ac.ke or through ordinary mail. For more information about replacing your lost certificate, please check the KNEC Website. Update, April 2017 knec contact details In case of any inquiry use the following contacts to reach Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) Phone numbers: 0720-7410-003, 0732-333-530, 0775-471-997 A duly filled form together with the requirements mentioned before should be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer of KNEC through the following postal address; P.O. Box 73598 – 00200, City Square Nairobi. The process of how to change your name in a KNEC certificate and do a replacement is a straight forward one. KNEC Contacts – Industrial Area Offices, Ministry of Public Works, Supplies Branch, Likoni Road. Tel:+254 – 020 650821 / 020-650822.
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