BlueJeans is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service that makes it easy to collaborate. Join with a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline BlueJeans is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service licensed by the University of Pennsylvania. It can be started and joined via a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline (audio only). Each meeting can accommodate up to 100 participants and supports recording of the meeting and screen/media sharing. BlueJeans Information . BlueJeans - Patient Information; Guidance on communicating with Penn E-Lert Team; How to use the E-Lert Camera (PennKey required) Penn E-Lert Training Materials; Ipad and Tablet guidelines for rooms without E-lert cameras Address. Claire M. Fagin Hall, Room 202.
To work with a specific recording, click on or near its title to go to that recording's page within your BlueJeans account. Click the download icon (document with down-arrow) to the right of title, next to the trashcan icon. Almost all Spring 2020 Comm classes will be offering real-time virtual instruction via BlueJeans. If you are in a class that is not using BlueJeans, your instructor will have communicated this to you already.
Instructors in the School of Medicine can also contact Penn Medicine Academic Computing Services (PMACS) to host their Blue Jeans session along with the option of a BlueJeans moderator. If you need to use use BlueJeans with larger class sizes, contact the instructional technology support for your school. You may also want to check out the Knowledge Base or contact Blue Jeans support BlueJeans is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service that makes it easy to collaborate.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 18, 2020 2020-07-03 · Penn LGBTQ+ Staff Tea Time : Fridays at 1pm via BlueJeans. Posted on July 3, 2020 by Mayumi Hirtzel.
Penn Therapy & Fitness BlueJeans Videoconferencing Platform* For more information, please contact 3 Nov 2020 For BlueJeans' system requirements, visit Princeton Health is part of the University of Pennsylvania Health are part of the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania. from @BelkaidLab.
Authenticate using two-step verification, if prompted.
Bjorn friman
BlueJeans is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service that makes it easy to collaborate. Join with a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline (audio only).
At this time, only instructors in Wharton, Dental, Nursing, GSE have access to the BlueJeans integration in their Canvas sites. Virtual Meetings is a cloud-based cross platform video conferencing service that makes it easy to collaborate with your colleagues.Powered by BlueJeans, Virtual Meetings can be started and joined via a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline (audio only).
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Virtual Meetings is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service that makes it easy to collaborate with your classmates. Powered by BlueJeans, Virtual Meetings can be started and joined via a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline (audio only). BlueJeans is a cloud based cross platform video conferencing service licensed by the University of Pennsylvania. It can be started and joined via a PC, Mac, smartphone, or regular landline (audio only). Each meeting can accommodate up to 100 participants and supports recording of the meeting and screen/media sharing. To log in through the application: Click "Sign In with SSO" then enter "upenn" as the company domain. BlueJeans student login; Students also do not need an account to download the application to their device.