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Tiberium-serien Spel: Command & Conquer, C&C: Tiberian Sun, C&C: Renegade, Command & Conquer 3, Command & Conquer 4 Spelen domineras av konflikten mellan GDI och Nod och utspelar sig i framtiden där Jorden sakta täcks av en hälsofarlig utomjordisk självförökande kristall kallad Tiberium, som används som naturresurs. Tiberium ist der Namensgeber für die Tiberium-Zeitlinie von Command & Conquer (Der Tiberiumkonflikt, Tiberian Sun, Tiberian Wars, Tiberian Twilight), gleichzeitig der Hauptrohstoff in diesen Spielen und auch im weitesten sinne der Grund für den Krieg zwischen der GDI und der Bruderschaft von Nod. Während die Bruderschaft im Tiberium beinahe soetwas wie den Heiligen Grahl sieht hat sich die Se hela listan på en.wikipedia.org Our team's combined C&C knowledge and commercial expertise means you get to play your Classic C&C games (be it campaign or online) on Windows, Mac or Linux. Join 1000's of other players and play the Classic Command & Conquer games with CnCNet. Tiberium er et fiktivt stof, som er omdrejningspunktet i Command & Conquer-serien. Grunden til dette er, at Tiberium kan omsættes til noget der ligner penge, og således bruges til at bygge enheder og bygninger.

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Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances is a military science fiction massively multiplayer online real-time strategy video game developed by Electronic Arts Phenomic and published by Electronic Arts as a free-to-play online-only browser game. Command & Conquer Wiki Welcome to the Command & Conquer Wiki 's portal for TIBERIUM ! TIBERIUM was a cancelled first-person tactical shooter, continuing the story of the Scrin /man conflict first shown in Tiberium Wars. In the game, the Threshold 19 is activated and a massive invasion force attacks Earth Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a 2007 science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic Arts for Windows, Mac OS X and Xbox 360 platforms, and released internationally in March 2007. The Firestorm story was the first in the Command & Conquer universe to follow a unified storyline, as opposed to providing two different endings. The Third Tiberium War: Tiberium Wars. The story of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars begins in 2047, roughly 16 years after the events of Firestorm.

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We can give a date (don't blame us if we didn't finished it in time) around end of this month. Command & Conquer: Rivals Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 Command and Conquer Games Welcome back, Commander. Watch Trailer Learn More Dominate Your Opponents in Real-Time 1v1 Matches! This is an unofficial community-driven wiki intended to be a comprehensive source of information to the Twisted Insurrection modification for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.On this site you can find details and guides on the updated original and new tech factions, their units, the mod's full storyline and the campaign missions which span from the Twisted Dawn to the Twisted Insurrection Click here for more information on C&C: Tiberian Sun. PREVIOUS. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun part 4. NEXT.

Mission Expedition in the GDI Campaign. Includi The existence of C&C 3 was rumored many times, and possible art was leaked out over the years. The game was finally released in late March of 2007. To learn more about Tiberium Wars, we suggest you visit that you visit the Tiberium Wars Features page. Or, check out some of the essentials listed below for information about GDI and Nod. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Prima Fast Track Guide. Previous Page.

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Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars är uppföljaren till Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Spelet utvecklades av Electronic Arts och släpptes 29 mars 2007 i Sverige.
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EVA Database - The Command & Conquer Wiki - Inlägg

TIBERIUM was a cancelled first-person tactical shooter, continuing the story of the Scrin /man conflict first shown in Tiberium Wars. In the game, the Threshold 19 is activated and a massive invasion force attacks Earth Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a 2007 science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic Arts for Windows, Mac OS X and Xbox 360 platforms, and released internationally in March 2007.