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Do not let your sporting achievements go unnoticed. Swish is a pattern recognition card game reminiscent of Set that challenges a player to make matches – dubbed "Swishes" – before opponents. Swish includes 60 transparent cards; each card has some combination of balls and hoops on it, with these items coming in four colors. To set up the game, lay out 16 cards on the table. Toggle navigation ?

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Each game is reviewed to ensure that is is safe for all ages. With over 1,000 flash game titles and growing we have the largest collection of cool games online. Play Ultimate Swish online from any device for free at! Ultimate Swish is a fun basketball online game. The aim of this free online game is to make as many points as possible within 1 minute! Carefully aim and shoot to win your three point shooting contest in the challenging sports game.

Come and play the free game Ultimate Swish at HelloKids! Ultimate Swish is a fun game belonging to the category SPORTS Hur kan vi hjälpa dig? Sök. Poker Casino Odds Swish is a pattern recognition card game reminiscent of Set that challenges a player to make matches – dubbed "Swishes" – before opponents.
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The goal is to make as many baskets as you can within the time allowed on the clock. After every couple of shots, you'll switch position. Walkthrough Something new, something unique. That's the new online game called Swish! in which you have to score as many space points as possible. The game has 40 levels which are very difficult.