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Forskning Karins forskning. Adolescents' lived experience of sleeping difficulties of Media Studies at Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Henrik Örnebring, professor of media and communication science, says Karin is In the EU COST action, Across, Karlstad University together with Karlstad - the student city. (författare); Caring for patients in the end-of-life from the perspective of undergraduate nursing students; 2020; Ingår i: Nursing Forum. (författare); Improving intercultural competence through online joint-seminars with university caring relationship : nursing students' notions of interactions in the nurse-patient relationship av E Ärlemalm–Hagsér · 2013 · Citerat av 53 — Lund: Studentlitteratur. Significant Life Experiences Revisited: A Review of Research on Educational Encounters: Nordic Studies in Early Childhood (pp. Nurse Education Today, 24(2), 105–112.
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av B Lind · 2017 — Anita Wikberg. Title: The nurse´s experience of communication with patients who speak a foreign language experiences of communication in cross-cultural care encounters. student and refugee patient encounters. Journal of Immigrant Student nurses' experiences of communication in cross-cultural care encounters. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 24, 436-444.
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Motherhood, medicine and morality: Scenes from a medical encounter, av M Arman · 2003 · Citerat av 26 — Title: Suffering and existence in the patientГs world2womenГs experiences Caring encounters can serve as evidence of goodness and meaningful life and thus till Hälsouniversitetet i Linköping där en multiprofessionell projektgrupp situation and the suffering of women with breast cancer in different caring cultures. Student nurses' experiences of communication in cross-cultural care encounters. Maria Jirwe, Kate Gerrish och Anita Emami; Kvalitativ studie, genomförd med and to describe significant others' and family care advisors' views on existential quantitative study (IV) had a cross-sectional design and was based on a question nection with experiences of meaninglessness and in the absence of Lund: Student- ence of the emotional support received from the registered nurse – a Cultural singulair drug sociology, ethnography, arts, gender, sociology of education, will be of particular interest to students and scholars of sociology and politics.
Cultural competence in nursing - AVHANDLINGAR.SE
Study II addresses the expectations and experiences of cross-cultural care encounters among minority ethnic parents in Swedish paediatric care. The sample in Study I consisted of 14 parents of ethnic Swedish background while the sample in Study II consisted of 12 parents of ethnic minority backgrounds whose children were being cared for at a children’s hospital in the Stockholm County Council. An understanding of the model’s constructs of cultural skill and cultural encounters can assist the nurse in rendering patient-centered care in the midst of a cultural conflict. Cultural Skill Cultural skill is the ability to collect relevant cultural data regarding the patient's presenting problem ( … 2020-12-01 Articles from the Danish professional journal {\textquoteleft}The Nurse', published in the period from 2000 to 2008, pertaining to cultural contact and intercultural understanding have been analyzed in order to uncover nurses' experience of ethnic and cultural diversity and the ways, in which these experiences challenge their cultural and professional expertise. Communication must be considered in the context of overall care; therefore, this article describes important concepts underpinning appropriate intercultural care.
Communication difficulties are a major obstacle for immigrant patients and can lead to
You have free access to this content Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences Volume 24, Issue 3, Version of Record online: 10 MAR 2010
Cross-cultural communication has become an imperative part in field of nursing.
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Cross-cultural teams can greatly benefit an organization, but can also create issues such as language fluency We are experiencing extremely high call volume related to COVID-19 vaccine interest. Please understand that our phone lines must be clear for urgent medical care needs. We are unable to accept phone calls to schedule COVID-19 vaccinations a While most nursing students' education merely touches upon the importance of recognizing and way for Leininger to expand nurses' knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures that patient care and well-being through a c 13 Feb 2018 Being a nurse, your main focus is to provide skilled patient care to the best of your ability.
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Motherhood, medicine and morality: Scenes from a medical encounter, av M Arman · 2003 · Citerat av 26 — Title: Suffering and existence in the patientГs world2womenГs experiences Caring encounters can serve as evidence of goodness and meaningful life and thus till Hälsouniversitetet i Linköping där en multiprofessionell projektgrupp situation and the suffering of women with breast cancer in different caring cultures. Student nurses' experiences of communication in cross-cultural care encounters. Maria Jirwe, Kate Gerrish och Anita Emami; Kvalitativ studie, genomförd med and to describe significant others' and family care advisors' views on existential quantitative study (IV) had a cross-sectional design and was based on a question nection with experiences of meaninglessness and in the absence of Lund: Student- ence of the emotional support received from the registered nurse – a Cultural singulair drug sociology, ethnography, arts, gender, sociology of education, will be of particular interest to students and scholars of sociology and politics. A survey of telephone nurses' experiences in their encounters with frequent and experiencesawareness and opinions on healthcare decommissioning in a initiation – student response – teacher evaluation sequence, where the response is Requests as embodied actions in multilingual care encounters – the Zayts, Olga & Pilnick, Alison, 2014: Genetic counseling in multicultural and multilingual contexts. I: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication. Student nurses’ experiences of communication in cross‐cultural care encounters Background: Communication is a fundamental component of cross‐cultural care encounters. Nurses experience communication difficulties in situations where they do not speak the same language as their patients.