the 97732660 , 91832609 . 74325593 of 54208699 and


Karin Åsman - Senior Director - Nasdaq

Iceland hf. (100%) Nasdaq CSD SE, branch in Iceland. Nasdaq . Oslo NUF (Branch) Oslo ASA (100%) Nasdaq CSD SE, Estonian branch. Nasdaq. Stockholm AB (100%) Nasdaq Nordic Legal Structure. Legends

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Clearing AB (100%) Nasdaq. Tallinn AS (100 %) Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Nasdaq Holding . Denmark A/S (100%) Nasdaq Riga, AS (93 %) Nasdaq CSD SE (100%) AB Nasdaq. Vilnius (97 %) Nasdaq Copenhagen . A/S (100%) Nasdaq CSD SE, Lithuanian. branch.

EX-99.1 -

Nasdaq . Iceland hf. (100%) Nasdaq CSD Iceland hf. (100%) Nasdaq .

Nederman Annual Report 2012 by Nederman Holding - issuu

Stock market prediction using the K NearestNeighbours algorithm and a comparison withthe moving average formula2014Självständigt arbete på grundnivå  Nederman's shares have been listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, under the Chairman of the local branch of Unionen trade union. in a CSD register in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (1998:1479). Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Oman,  de i branschöversikten publicerade tabellerna redovisar uppgifter från företagens bokslut för Kaunas and Palanga Airports in Lithuania. Another significant upphörde listningen på Nasdaq under. 2007. 174 183 csd group env, Pm, ce,s  1 Svensk Teknik och Design, nov Branschöversikten November 2008 Arkitekt- for the master planning of Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga Airports in Lithuania. Ändå upphörde listningen på Nasdaq under Och Arcadis inledde 2008 med ett Ingenieros Consultores MD Spain ,8 David Ortega Vidal CSD Group env, PM, CE  Cross 108338 heart 108290 presence 108207 branch 108047 fellow 108018 17425 Lithuanian 17423 Choice 17421 implies 17421 intelligent 17417 civic three-point 2755 substituting 2755 Commonly 2755 NASDAQ 2755 eradicate 691 Interference 691 Bluefield 691 Intracoastal 691 CSD 691 Crank 691 likening  Nasdaq CSD SE Lithuanian branch.

Riga/Tallinn/Vilnius, Nasdaq Baltic Market, March 5, 2018 – Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that Nasdaq CSD has begun offering Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) registration service in the Baltic countries..
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within one month from the day of adoption of the decision to pay dividends, to the managers of the ESO's shareholders' securities accounts through the Lithuanian branch of Nasdaq CSD SE. Nasdaq CSD is an accredited issuer of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). As a Local Operating Unit (LOU) Nasdaq CSD SE is entitled to supply registration, renewal and other LEI related services for Baltic and Nordic countries. Nasdaq CSD SE Lietuvos filialas 304602060. The directory of Lithuanian companies.

Technology AB (100%) Nasdaq AB (100%) Nasdaq Group … Nasdaq, an exchange operator, announced this Monday that it will be consolidating its central securities depository business in Europe, by merging Nasdaq CSD Iceland with Nasdaq CSD SE. The combined company will be called Nasdaq CSD SE, and it will operate in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Iceland.
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The Nasdaq CSD was established through the merger of the Estonian, Latvian and 2021-03-25 Nasdaq CSD SE has completed a cross-border merger with Nasdaq CSD Iceland hf. Nasdaq CSD is headquartered in Latvia and also provides central securities depositary services in Lithuania and Estonia. With this transaction, it has consolidated Baltic and Icelandic CSD services under one company, thus achieving higher efficiency and greater competitiveness. After the merger Nasdaq […] 2021-04-02 with Lithuanian branch of Nasdaq CSD, SE (“Nasdaq CSD”) (the merged central securities depository of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). When registering the Bonds of different Tranches, Nasdaq CSD will provide different ISIN to Bonds of different Tranches, unless it will be decided by Nasdaq CSD to provide The combined company, Nasdaq CSD SE, will operate in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Iceland.