Benthic predator-prey interactions: evidence that adult - DiVA


Feeding type affects microplastic ingestion in a coastal invertebrate

42. de Jonge, V.N., W. Boynton, C.. av J Malmberg · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — feeding behaviour of R. harrisii, and how these predators affect the shallow sandy sublittoral macrofauna. (Macoma balthica and Bathyporeia pilosa). bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) and the filter feeding blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) was Deeper down the detritivorous Baltic mussel Macoma balthica. clear differences, but rather followed the same pattern regarding dominance of the Baltic clam (Macoma balthica) and deposit-feeding gastropods in the genus  Macoma balthica, Saduria entomon and Harmothoe sarsi were identified as the only The animal-sediment patterns found reflected largely differential feeding  av B Widbom · 2009 — östersjömussla (Macoma balthica) och i viss mån sandmussla (Mya arenaria) (Tabell 2, Tolerance of the deposit-feeding Baltic amphipods Monoporeia affinis. feeding, can impact other organisms living on the eating factors were identified.

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Bu-rial depths of M. balthica were measured every three to four days until the clams' burial depth became stable. Macoma balthica (L.) is a common clam of the estuarine seafloor, belonging to an important group of invertebrates possessing the capacity to choose between the two fundamental modes of feeding available, using its siphon to inhale either suspended food particles from the water or food particles deposited on the sediment surface. Feeding. While buried in the sand, the clam’s two siphons stick up above the surface. The longer siphon sucks in tiny bits of food lying on the Bay’s bottom. It can also draw in water and filter out plankton.

Impacts of physical environmental characteristics on the distribution

The number of M. balthica exhibiting de­ posit or suspension feeding behavior was recorded. Bu­ rial depths ofM. balthica were measured every three to four days until the clams' burial depth became stable.


2009-05-11 In the Corophium-zone about 20% of Macoma balthica present makes feeding tracks indicating they were deposit feeding; no feeding tracks are found outside the Corophium-zone. The infection rate in summer of Macoma by a gymnophallid trematode was studied. Large specimens are infected to a larger percentage than small ones. In the course of the summer an increasing mortality occurred amongst ELSEVIER Journal of Sea Research 41 (1999) 203–212 Reproductive investment in the intertidal bivalve Macoma balthica P.J.C.

2016;4(19):1–9. Google  PDF | The Macoma balthica community, which is widely distributed in intertidal soft sediments cesses depend on the particular feeding and burrowing. This feeding strategy has been widely described for Macoma balthica (Tellinacea ), a common species inhabiting tidal flats of Europe (Hummel. 1985, Thompson  The uptake of 109 Cd by the deposit-feeding clam, Macoma balthica, varied significantly among several types of sediments.
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Macoma balthica feeding

Effects of suspended food availability on the feeding mode and burial depth of the Baltic clam, Macoma balthica Junda Lin and Anson H. Hines Lin, J and Hines, A. H. 1994.

The diverse intertidal Macoma balthica östersjömussla. T-art. B, K. Mya arenaria.
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AB - In this paper an analysis is made of subtle behavioural differences between adult male and female Ovstercatchers feeding on Macoma balthica under field conditions and in captivity. Macoma is a tellinid bivalve that in the Dutch Wadden Sea is mainly preyed upon during spring and summer when it is buried at a shallow depth. males lift Macoma more, whereas females handle them mostly in situ.