> ICA Gruppen


ICA Gruppen - Guld för Bästa rapportering om värdeskapande

Marks that a change from previous version have been made in the text. 1 Guidelines for ICA Gruppen1 Sustainability Policy The Sustainability Policy and these guidelines include the areas of quality, Correction: Report from ICA Gruppen’s 2021 Annual General Meeting. The correction of the press release refers to the record date for the dividend and the date for the payment of dividends. The corrected press release follows in its entirety. ICA Gruppen held its Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2021. 1 ICA Gruppen will continue to monitor the number of corporate brand suppliers who are quality-certified, and in high-risk countries that have been socially audited and re-audited, and will report the outcomes in the interim reports until further notice. ICA Gruppen publishes annual report 2019 Tue, Feb 25, 2020 09:00 CET. ICA Gruppen’s Annual Report for 2019 is now available at

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Sections marked S refer to ICA Gruppen AB’s Sustainability Report, which is also the statutory sustainability report of ICA Gruppen AB (publ). The Sustainability Report has been reviewed by the Company’s auditors. ICA Gruppen’s operations fill several functions that are critical in society. Having access to food, medicines and financial services is critical if a society is to function properly. In 2020 a significant number of steps were taken to protect employees, customers and suppliers to the greatest extent possible, while also enabling business to continue unaffected as far as possible. Q2 sustainability report Tue, Sep 17, 2013 10:00 CET. Today, ICA Gruppen presents its report on ICA’s sustainability activities for the second quarter of 2013. The report covers significant events and activities within environment, quality, ethical trade, health and social responsibility.

ICA Gruppens hållbarhetsmål

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ICA Gruppen AB: ICA Gruppen publicerar årsredovisning för

28 Feb 2020 Epiroc reports its sustainability work for 2019 according to the Global ability report has been prepared in accordance ICA Gruppen AB and. 19 Mar 2020 of Coor Service Management Holding AB, corp.

Sustainability Rimi and ICA Gruppen hold a position of responsibility both in the supply chain, as well as in the societies it works in. From the field and production, all the way to when the product has reached the clients’ home, sustainability and corporate social responsibility remain a priority.
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Ica gruppen ab sustainability report

Sections marked S refer to ICA Gruppen AB’s Sustainability Report, which is also the statutory sustainability report of ICA Gruppen AB (publ). The Sustainability Report has been reviewed by the Company’s auditors. ICA Gruppen’s operations fill several functions that are critical in society.

Sedan tidigare har ICA gruppen haft apoteket Cura under koncernens förvaltning. From our sustainability report.
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ICA Gruppen publishes annual report 2018 - Stockaboo

“I am pleased to confirm that Industrivärden AB reaffirms its support of the Ten Industrivärden AB, COP for 2016 (ICA Gruppen Annual Report 2015, p.