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Submission deadline extends to Jan. 30, 2021. 2020-12-8! Special Issue "Advances in Clean and Sustainable Energy Research calls for papers. 2020-12-1! New submission round begins.

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  8. Spur inspektion 23 hours ago Special call for ECER 2021 proposes five topics, coming from the general call or raising specific issues emerging in the ongoing network ‘Education and Psychoanalysis’. - The concept of ‘relationship to knowledge’ and the way it can be used in education from various perspectives. ECER 2021 - Online Conference Following an extensive series of conversations within EERA and with our conference partners in Geneva, it has been decided to hold ECER 2021 as an online conference. While our preference would have been for an in-person ECER in the beautiful city of Geneva, the uncertainty that still exists around the COVID-19 pandemic meant that this is just not possible. ECER Programme; ECER 2021 - Call for Proposals & Network Calls; Submissions; Registration and Fees; Conference Platform & Hosts; Emerging Researchers' Conference; Scientific Committee and Programme Comittee Research on Arts Education. ECER 2021– NW 29 Special Call.

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14 Janury 2021. 16 March 2021.

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From ECER 2019 to ECER 2020? In September the European educational researchers met in Hamburg to spend four days with papers on the latest research results and discussions about “education in an era of risk” (conference motto) and many more topics from the 33 EERA networks . Quality devices, huge inventory of products, and direct from manufacturer all translates to savings for you. Shop the Acer store now for your next device. 1 dag sedan · The new agreement will see Acer outfit all of the esports organisation’s competitive teams with Predator Gaming hardware. This includes Envy’s Call of Duty League franchise Dallas Empire, its Overwatch League team Dallas Fuel, and rosters competing under the Team Envy banner.

Accounts from previous years are usually no longer available, so please create a new user account. Afterwards you can access the submission form which will allow you to enter your proposal. ECER 2020, Glasgow 'Reconnecting EERA' 23 - 28 August Online; ECER 2020 Canceled; ECER 2021 Flyer; Keynote Speakers; Previous ECERs. ECER 2019, Hamburg; ECER 2018 Die ECER 2021 wird diesmal von März bis Juni stattfinden.
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Ecer 2021 call

The ECER 2021 Theme is 'Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations'. However, EERA welcomes contributions from the broad range of educational research. In addition to the general call, some networks would like to encourage discussion on specific thematic topics and have therefore issued a special call.

Since the current pandemic situation does not allow for the reliable planning of a face-to-face conference  the Executive Committee (EC) of EARLI launched an initiative called "EARLI - Centre for Innovative Research You can apply via this form until 25/05/2021!
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The ECER 2021 Theme is 'Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations'.