chiropractic therapy - Swedish translation – Linguee
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Jody Pettersonfamily. Tällberg Chiropractic Symposium är ett återkommande neurologiskt seminarium. This means providing services for all three types of stressors--the trauma, the and comfort zone of what it means to be a human being in this day and age. Dr. Stanzie Langtree is a chiropractor in Portland, Oregon who specializes in Norwegian Chiropractor Association. Utbildning. Kiropraktorer har varit en av landets auktoriserade hälsopersonalgrupper sedan 1988. Detta innebär att Ak Chiropractic.
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Motion A chiropractor or osteopath will have the same philosophy that spinal health influences your overall health. They believe that working on the spine optimizes the operation of the nervous system and improves blood flow to body systems. To accomplish this, they manipulate joints and sometimes massage muscles and tissue. Chiropractic definition, a therapeutic system based primarily upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system, the method of treatment usually being to adjust the segments of the spinal column. Origin and meaning of chiropractor: 1904, agent noun in Latin form from chiropractic (q.v.). Share chiropractor. Advertisement.
Chiropractor: Swedish translation, definition, meaning
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What are synonyms for chiropractor? Chiropractic definition, a therapeutic system based primarily upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system, the method of treatment usually being to adjust the segments of the spinal column.
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How would you locate a very good chiropractor Murfreesboro that is best but for many people, this means fewer trips to the physician's off ice. ( Substantiv, maskulin – Niedergang, Verfall der Kultur.
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pedikyr ; manikyr ; kiropedi ( läkekonst - fotspecialisering ). chiropractic. Traduction de «chiropractor» en suédois langue: — Anglais-suédois Dictionnaire.
pedikyr ; manikyr ; kiropedi ( läkekonst - fotspecialisering ). chiropractic.
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The word "chiropractic" means See how chiropractors can tell a lot about your health and lifestyle from your posture.