Atmospheric Science – research in Luleå - Luleå University of


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Our research and educational programs focus on regionally relevant issues of national concern and global importance. Atmospheric and Environmental Research General Information Description. Provider of environmental consulting and research services. The company provides weather and climate risk management and decision aids for government agencies.

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NOAA GLERL and its partners conduct innovative research on the dynamic environments and ecosystems of the Great Lakes and coastal regions to provide information for resource use and management decisions that lead to safe and sustainable ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human communities. Research. The Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at South Dakota Mines has a rich history of research going back to 1959, when a special resolution created the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences. At that time, the emphasis was on weather modification and hail damage research. The Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) Lab, formerly known as the ARROMA Lab, studies the impacts of aerosol pollution on air quality, weather, and climate. Research approaches include satellite remote sensing and use of numerical models to study atmospheric composition, agriculture, Earth systems, and climate change.

Atmospheric Science - Luleå University of Technology

Strong connections are maintained with the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Bureau of Geology, Civil and Environmental Engineering at New Mexico Tech and Los Alamos National Laboratory for Climate Studies enabling a broad and deep graduate program in atmospheric science. Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) to Support NOAA Sci-Tech Weather and Climate Science Research Initiative.

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Research approaches include satellite remote sensing and use of numerical models to study atmospheric composition, agriculture, Earth systems, and climate change.