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1. (masculine woman) a. mannish woman. En aquella época, la gente … 20 Names Similar to Varona. These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Varona. Heart. Ephrain.

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Video shows what VARO means. (US government) Veterans Affairs Regional Office. VARO Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary.

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Novara Definition of Varona in the dictionary. Meaning of Varona. Information and translations of Varona in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. varona unknown Spanish word for " mannish woman" -usually used to describe a woman who has definite masculine traits e.g.

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What does ворона (vorona) mean in Russian? English Translation. crow. More meanings for  12 Mar 2020 What do diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to you? Dean Varona noted that diversity (having people who are different), equity (treating  23 Aug 2018 Can someone explain the meaning of "harness your hopes"? I just cant figure the lines out Everyone says its amazing and i have to know the  3 Mar 2017 To say South Dade wrestler Elijah Varona's day got off to a bad start on Varona gave new meaning to the words heart and determination as  25 Apr 2017 PDF | The question “What is the meaning of a smile?” could be easily Javier Varona at University of the Balearic Islands.

Spanish: apparently a nickname from varona '( courageous) woman'. Compare Varon. Source: Dictionary of American Family  n.
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Varona meaning

Maria Frapolli • Esther Romero.

Statistics . According to the 2010 United States Census, Varona is the 16575 th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 1731 individuals.
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1. (to take onto the beach) a. to beach. Los marinos vararon el bote para arreglar el agujero que tenía en un lado.The sailors beached the boat to patch the hole on the side of the boat.