Swedish Dental Journal 2012/4 – Sveriges Tandläkarförbund
plaque erosionが原因となるacute coronary syndromes with intact fibrous cap (IFC-ACS)はACSのACSの約3分の1を占めているとされています。. しかし、plaque ruptureによるACS(RFC-ACS)と比較して、そのメカニズムはほとんど解明されていません。. OPTICO-ACS studyでは、ACSの原因となるintact fibrous capによるACSのculprit lesionの微小環境を調査しました。. Se hela listan på Plaque Erosion.
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2021-03-31 · For example, plaque rupture occurs on inflamed and lipid-rich plaques with thin fibrous caps, contrasting with erosion-prone plaques containing abundant smooth muscle cells and few resident For decades, pathology reports have shown that there are 3 major underlying mechanisms for sudden cardiac death: plaque rupture, plaque erosion, and calcified nodule. 1,2 Several groups have reported in vivo diagnoses of these underlying pathologies in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) using optical coherence tomography (OCT), a high-resolution intracoronary imaging modality. 3,4 Previous OCT studies have also demonstrated that patients with culprit plaque rupture have greater Plaque Erosion In Vivo Diagnosis and Treatment Guided by Optical Coherence Tomography Sining Hu, MD,*y Haibo Jia, MD, P H D,*y Rocco Vergallo, MD,y Farhad Abtahian, MD, P H D,y Fig. 8.1 Angioscopic finding of plaque erosion and rupture. (a) Plaque erosion, only reddening with no evidence of trans-cap ruptures, (b) plaque rupture, perforation of a fibrous cap overlying lipid core Fig. 8.2 Coronary angiography and intravascular imaging in patient with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction not related to plaque rupture. Plaque erosion is associated with myocardial infarction (MI) in about 30% of cases and may require a different management approach to plaque rupture.
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Pathology and in vivo imaging studies have identified superficial plaque erosion as a frequent and important mechanism underlying acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In contrast with plaque rupture, the pathophysiological In a murine model system that featured components associated with human plaque erosion, they describe a mechanism by which a hyaluronan-rich subendothelial matrix, disturbed blood flow, and neutrophils co-operate to drive endothelial denudation and arterial thrombosis. Plaque erosion is a distinct pathologic and clinical entity that accounts for a substantial proportion of ACS cases.
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Recent studies documented a higher prevalence of plaque erosion in non-STEMI, in women under 50 years of age, and in current smokers 21, 22. Plaque erosion in RCA. Images from an angiogram in a patient who presented to Emory University Hospital and underwent cardiac catheterization. In contrast, plaque erosion most frequently occurs on stenotic plaques in areas of elevated flow.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol . 2002 ; 22 :1642–1648. Plaque erosions are more often observed in younger individuals and smokers compared with plaque ruptures. There have been few angioscopic investigations of plaque erosion. Because the injured intima hides behind a thrombus, the plaque morphology is often overlooked by angioscopy.
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Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol . 2002 ; 22 :1642–1648. Plaque erosions are more often observed in younger individuals and smokers compared with plaque ruptures.
Plaque erosion is placed most in the proximal segment and near a bifurcation of the left anterior descending artery.
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Apr 13, 2021 Plaque erosion deserves more attention as a distinct entity in patients with acute coronary syndromes—notably because it may not require Dec 30, 2019 Plaque erosion is defined as an acute thrombus in direct contact with the intima in an area of denuded endothelium. Thus, plaque events ensue Optical Coherence Tomography of Plaque Erosion and Thrombus in Severe Vertebral Artery Stenosis. by. Lin Yan. 1 ,. Adam A. Dmytriw.