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Oracle PL/SQL Programming Fundamentals: A Tutorial by - Adlibris

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• PL/SQL code blocks are followed by a slash (/) in the first position of the following line. This causes the code block statements to be executed. • The only PL/SQL code block keyword that is followed by a semi-colon is the End keyword. PL/SQL tutorial is targeted for beginners as well as experienced people who is having basic knowledge on RDMBS and Databases. In PL/SQL tutorial we covered all topics from basic to advanced level which will give clear idea to use PL/SQL in applications with examples.

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Pl sql tutorial

Learn about different types of PL SQL Records and Record Types with programming examples: In this article, we will continue with PL/SQL series.In the PL SQL Cursor And Strings tutorial, we learned about Implicit and Explicit Cursors, cursor for loop, String functions, etc. Here, we will explore PL/SQL records and record types that PL/SQL has. This PL SQL tutorial introduces PL/SQL with its features, basic syntax with examples. Learn to set up PL/SQL Environment step by step: We are starting with a series of PL/SQL tutorials for our readers.

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