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It is important, therefore, that your research reaches a wide audience, preferably one to whom your topic is particularly interesting or relevant, in a clear, high-quality text. 👂🏻🇪🇸 | 👀🇧🇷🇪🇸 Aprende sobre el h-index, métrica de evaluación de la calidad productiva de autores.🇧🇷 Aprenda sobre o índice H, métrica que avalia a How do I find my h-index on Google Scholar? Google Scholar can automatically calculate your h-index, read our guide How to calculate your h-index on Google Scholar for further instructions. How do I find my h-index on Scopus?
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Conversely, Google Scholar follows an inclusive and automated approach, indexing any (apparently) scholarly document that its robot crawlers are able to find on the academic web. Scopus tutorials "Scopus tutorials provide a visual guide to using the product. The tutorials below are also found in the relevant FAQs in the Scopus Support center." H - index Zašto H–indeks? U istraživačkoj zajednici postoji stalna potreba da se uspostave kriterijumi za vrednovanje naučne produkcije pojedinačnih istraživača, univerziteta, institucija, kao i samog naučnog izdavaštva.
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Step by step. Log in to Scopus database on campus click 22 Jan 2020 The h-index is calculated by counting the number of publications for which an author has been cited by other authors at least that same number of Scopus offers author and affiliation profiles, along with information on an author's citation count, h-index, etc.
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How to use Scopus to calculate your h-index Step 1: The Scopus author search form First, open the Scopus author search form or the free version if you do not have Step 2: Selecting the correct entry from the author results We are lucky with our search for Stephen Hawking as Scopus' Step 3: Here are 5 facts about Scopus and the h -index: 1. The h -index includes citations back to 1970, a result of our Cited Reference Expansion Program. 2. The h -index includes citations from expanded book coverage (but can be easily excluded from your calculation if 3. You can calculate the h -index Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. With the Scopus h-factor, you can easily realize the researcher’s value as it assesses both his impact and productivity. In this article, we will elaborate on how to learn an author h-index on Scopus – one of the most selective abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed research literature, books, journals, and conference proceedings.
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Titta igenom exempel på citation index översättning i meningar, lyssna på The journal is abstracted and indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index and Scopus. The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the More than 630 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo. More than 1,000 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Visa mer. det är h -Index , CiteScore , SJR ( SCImago Journal Rank ) och SNIP ( Source Normalized Impact per Paper ).
It is important, therefore, that your research reaches a wide audience, preferably one to whom your topic is particularly interesting or relevant, in a clear, high-quality text.
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Mätverktyg för bibliometri - Bibliotek - Stockholms universitet
If you find Åtkomst: Inom Högskolan + hemifrån via OpenAthens. Scopus. Om Scopus Om SocIndex.