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Digital Content Creation in 2018: A Study for Non-Profit - DiVA

Transmedia / Narrative storytelling. Transmedia storytelling represents a process of communicating integral parts of a narrative across multiple delivery channels. A common phrase “the whole is greater than the sum of parts” is attributed to the Greek philosopher Aristotle who defined the rhetorical whole and thus the modern concept of synergy. Date Posted March 17, 2008. In Jenkins (2006) book, Convergence Culture, there is a broad reaching discussion of transmedia storytelling which he defines as “a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience”.

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Transmedia Storytelling is a term coined by the scholar Henry Jenkins. Here it is how he defines it: Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. And he adds: The T-shirt represented a visual identity, and it showed a mastery of a communicative act. The study demonstrates how products, such as T-shirts, are a part of transmedia storytelling in heavy metal culture. language: dc.description.abstract: Metal T-shirts represent a fusion of music, identity, and ideology. transmedia storytelling, fictional narrative entertainment, In the last decade many investigations have been performed on how to make a transmedia product.

Can You Apply Transmedia Storytelling to Museums

Comic books, video games, and other markets once considered ancillary now play increasingly significant and recentered roles in the production and consumption of everyday film and television properties such as Heroes, Transformers, and the applied to non-fiction storytelling. The literature review in this paper discusses such projects. One of these nonfiction transmedia storytelling methods is seen with Airbnb’s Wall and Chain 1 campaign and Ikea’s The Other Letter campaign (Gianatasio, 2014), which both market products using a transmedia storytelling approach. Transmedia collaboration is essential.

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Jerslev “transmedia storytelling” (Jenkins 2006), “transmedial interactions” (Bardzell,Wu,  If you think that having the best product is all it takes to win, you're going to lose.

The concept was first popularized by Jenkins.
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Transmedia storytelling for non entertainment products

platforms. This phenomenon allows active audience participation as a part of the narrative. creation process. Part of the prior research on transmedia focuses on how to create a.

If everyone had the same open-minded, non-judgemental and curious outlook displays unique pieces from a range of disciplines: from product design to crafts. audio documentaries, transmedia, photo exhibitions, competitions, cocktails and parties.
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Publikforskning i en digitaliserad och konvergerad medievärld.

2. Related Research In this section we reviewed extant research on Transmedia storytelling and marketing. While exploring the term transmedia storytelling we reviewed the fields where the term is applied to. The strategy is the best fit for marketing entertainment products. It is very problematic to implement in non-entertainment campaigns. Transmedia storytelling would be tricky to use for a non-fictional product or service, such as an educational program from a respected university.