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Swedish Beauty Brand Foreo Weighs Sale at Over $1 Billion

2021-04-08 Todas las noticias de última hora de Filip Sedic en Forbes España. También puedes leer más noticias sobre economía, negocios y lifestyle. FOREO Founder and CEO Filip Sedic Time to put a face to everyone’s favorite beauty tech brand: meet Filip Sedic, the CEO and founder of FOREO, and brains behind LUNA, ISSA and UFO. Relentlessly inquisitive, to date, Sedic’s thirst for invention has seen him file more than 200 international patents across multiple categories. So says Filip Sedic on the not-so-secret formula behind his beauty tech brand’s astronomical success.

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Swedish Beauty Brand Foreo Weighs Sale at Over $1 Billion

De är nästintill helt okända i Sverige. Men på bara fem år har Filip Sedic och Miroslav Slavics skönhetsbolag Foreo gått från 0 till 10 miljarder kronor i omsättning.

Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Biography submission guide. 2018-12-11 LELO (LELOi AB) is a Swedish intimate lifestyle company that designs, develops and manufactures upmarket sex toys, BDSM accessories, and massage products. Sold in over 50 international markets, LELO is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with other offices in Melbourne, San Jose, and Shanghai.LELO currently sells one of the most expensive vibrators in the world, a 24-karat gold plated … Filip Sedic from FOREO Starts a Skin Care Revolution with UFO. Beauty starts with skincare, not makeup.
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1226. Kristina Sedic.

As the first company which applies medical silicone to facial cleansing devices, it is taking the beauty industry by storm and its Filip Sedic from FOREO Starts a Skin Care Revolution with UFO Beauty starts with skincare, not makeup. Pudong, Shanghai -- ( ReleaseWire ) -- 08/06/2018 --FOREO, an innovative Sweden-based brand whose products has occupied 70% of the Chinese facial cleanser market, showed off its new smart mask treatment FOREO UFO this year.
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of the skincare industry, the company was founded by the inventor Filip Sedic in FORBES España always keeps a tab on the most exciting things going on  264. Jelena. Hasic-Philipp.