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Heart rate variability, Generalized Fractional Process, Wavelet Packet Transform, Wavelet Decorrelation Wavelet-based Bayesian analysis of generalized long-memory process In this paper we propose a Bayesian approach to estimating the parameters and predicting future values of a generalized long-memory process utilizing the approximate likelihood function of discrete wavelet packet coefficients. crimination and feature decorrelation. Our deep-learning-based representation learning method is motivated by the properties of classical spectral clustering. Instance discrimination learns similarities among data and feature decorrelation re-moves redundant correlation among features.
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Decorrelation. Decorrelation is a general term for any process that is used to reduce autocorrelation within a signal, or cross-correlation within a set of signals, while preserving other aspects of the signal. A frequently used method of decorrelation is the use of a matched linear filter to reduce the autocorrelation of a signal as far as possible. 2007-05-13 Acoustic radiation force can be used to generate adherent microbubble signal decorrelation without microbubble bursting.
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La función Adaptive Decorrelation cambia ligeramente la relación de tiempo y fase de un canal de sonido envolvente respecto del otro canal de sonido envolvente. 2020-07-30 Amplitude decorrelation measurement is sensitive to transverse flow and immune to phase noise in comparison to Doppler and other phase-based approaches. However, the high axial resolution of OCT makes it very sensitive to the pulsatile bulk motion noise in the axial direction. To overcome this limitation, we developed split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography (SSADA) to improve the 2021-04-08 Decorrelation: Decorrelation is a common pre-processing step for classification [17, 15].
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In the approach, signals are first modified in a known way from receiver to Theoretical studies suggest that primary visual cortex (area V1) uses a sparse code to efficiently represent natural scenes. This issue was investigated by recording from V1 neurons in awake behaving macaques during both free viewing of natural scenes and conditions simulating natural vision. Stimulation of the nonclassical receptive field increases the selectivity and sparseness of individual station antenna heights. A model that characterizes the decorrelation distance at different probability levels of distribution of the decorrelation distance is proposed. The model predicts that at some probability level all measured decorrelation distances will be within ½∆x 0 and 2∆x 0, where ∆x 0 is the decorrelation distance at the e-1 The codes here are implementations of two methods for exploiting the multi-channel spatial information to extract the target speech. The first one is using a target speech adaptation layer in a parallel encoder architecture.
In order to reduce the gap between NIR-VIS images, three key components are designed for DADRD model, including Cross-modal Margin (CmM) loss, Dual Adversarial Disentangled Variations (DADV) and Deep Representation Decorrelation …
Decorrelation stretching enhances the color separation of an image with significant band-to-band correlation. The exaggerated colors improve visual interpretation and make feature discrimination easier. You apply decorrelation stretching with the decorrstretch function. See Linear Contrast
A decorrelation stretch is a linear, pixel-wise operation in which the specific parameters depend on the values of actual and desired (target) image statistics.
Sur cette page, vous trouverez de nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "rang d'ordre coefficient de corrélation" de français à suédois. Moteur de Adaptive Decorrelation • THX Select2 Cinema I en bio bidrar ett stort antal surroundhögtalare till att skapa en upplevelse av helt omslutande surroundljud, men i Lossless compression of color mosaic images poses a unique and interesting problem of spectral decorrelation of spatially interleaved R, G, B samples.
(Nat Neurosci 16: 724–729, 2013), who measured for the
On ‘decorrelation’ in solving integer least-squares problems for ambiguity determination M. A. Borno1, X.-W. Chang2 and X. H. Xie*2 This paper intends to shed light on the decorrelation or reduction process in solving integer least squares (ILS) problems for ambiguity determination. We …
decorrelation increasing with time but that digital terrain mo del generation remains feasible.
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Adaptive Decorrelation. Spectral decorrelation for coding remote sensing data. N Amrani. 2017.