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NDA FI, Nordea Bank Abp, (FI4000297767) Code. Thomson Reuters. Bloomberg. Nordea Bank Abp (SEK) XSTO.
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Agent: Nordea Bank AB. For further information concerning this NORDEA BANK ABP share price in real-time (A2N6F4 / FI4000297767), charts and analyses, news, key data, turnovers, company data. ISIN: FI4000297767 | WKN: A2N6F4 | Symbol: 04Q | Type: Equity. ▻. Overview CCP eligible code 1 Apr 2021 The total number of shares and voting rights in Nordea Bank Abp is shares Direct Indirect Direct Indirect ISIN code (if possible) (SMA 9:5) ACCESS NORDEA GLOBAL STARS MULT IE FI · ACCESS USA COMPANIES FUNDO INVEST MULTIMERCADO INVEST EXTERIOR · ACCESS YIELD 13 Apr 2021 Nordea Bank Abp: Flagging notification in The total number of shares and voting rights in Nordea Bank Abp is 4,049,951,919. ISIN code (if. Stock analysis for Nordea Bank Abp (NDA:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Nordea 1 – Flexible Fixed Income Fund, BP-EUR Share Class.
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Fondnamn Nordea Global Passiv tillväxt Morningstar 2021-03-31 Basvaluta EUR Fondförmögenhet (Basvaluta) 2 071 milj. Startdatum 2012-10-09 ISIN FI4000046685 Jämförelseindex MSCI World, avkastningsindex net return Kategori Globala aktiefonder Ansvarig förvaltare Ruben Knudsen Förvaltande fondbolag Nordea Funds Ab Utdelande Nej Minsta insättning, kr 100 Nordea 2 - Global Sustainable Enhanced Eq - BP SEK Global 67,22 Institutionella Aktiefonden Sverige icke-utd Sverige 26,65 Nordea Institutionella Småbolagsfonden Sverige Sverige 6,01 Other Assets and Liabilities Svenska Kronor 0,12 Nordea Liv Aktieportfölj Om fonden Avkastning Aktieportfölj © 2020 Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige, Smålandsgatan 17, 105 71 Stockholm Organisationsnummer: 516411-1683 - Registreringsnummer för moms: SE663000019501 BIC: NDEASESS Fonden kan även placera i andra fonder.
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Nordea 1 – Central & Eastern European Equity BP, (Growth) ISIN LU0227385340. Nordea 1 – Climate and Environment Equity, (Growth) ISIN LU0348926287. Nordea 1 – Euro Bond Fund BP, (Growth) ISIN LU0076315455. Nordea 1 – European Equity Fund BP, (Growth) ISIN LU0081952268 NDA FI, Nordea Bank Abp, (FI4000297767) Trading; Overview; Performance; Key Ratios; Financials; Fact Sheet ; Company Fact Sheet FAQ & Methodology 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares.
16:59:40 CET 594,574, ICB Code, 3010, Year Change, 66.88. No. of trades, 985, Sector, Banks
Köp aktier i Nordea Bank Abp - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Kortnamn: NDA SE; ISIN: FI4000297767; Marknad: Stockholmsbörsen (Large Cap
the Issuer at Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020 Nordea, Helsinki, Finland and Underlying.
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Nordea 1 – Euro Bond Fund BP, (Growth) ISIN LU0076315455. Nordea 1 – European Equity Fund BP, (Growth) ISIN LU0081952268 NDA FI, Nordea Bank Abp, (FI4000297767) Trading; Overview; Performance; Key Ratios; Financials; Fact Sheet ; Company Fact Sheet FAQ & Methodology Nordea Bank Abp: ISIN-Sektor-Bransch-Kortnamn: NDA SE: Introduktionsdatum-Belåningsgrad: 80 %Säkerhetskrav: 120 % 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website. Search for stocks and share prices, company fundamentals, news and trading information for all instruments traded on the London Stock Exchange's markets via Company, Code, ISIN, Carket, Instrument type, Sector and Admission date Nordea is the largest financial services group in the Nordic region. With high market capitalisation and high liquidity, the share is included in key indices. Nordea is traded at the stock exchanges of Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen.