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Nikolaj Gogol – Wikipedia

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Major Kovalev obsesses over his appearance, cleanliness, and rank. His behavior reflects the influence vision-oriented Western culture that emphasizes deodorization and hygiene. In fact, Gogol (whose real name was Nikolai Ianovskii) even chose the writing pseudonym 'Gogol' because of his nose! To his horror, he recognizes the nose: it belongs to one of his regular customers, Major Kovalev. By Nikolai Gogol. Gogol was a depressive who cheered himself up by imagining the funniest situations possible, but his gift in that area was so prodigious that he ultimately scared himself to death. Take “The Nose,” one of the funniest stories ever written.

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He begins writing The Nose. Then in the 1920s, Dimitri Shostakovich is working on an adaptation of Gogol’s novella.

En manifestation av Gogols fantastiska realism i romanen "Nosen

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Den kollegiala bedömaren har ett brådskande behov av ett anständigt utseende, en kort sammanfattning berättar om detta.

Gogol kovalev

24 ott 2018 Il Naso, di Nikolaj Gogol Voce Narrante di E. Camponeschi www.menestrandise.

Il ordonna qu’on lui don-nât sur-le-champ ses habits et courut chez le grand-maître de la police. Mais, cependant, il est nécessaire de dire quelques mots de Kovalev, afin que le lecteur puisse voir à quel genre d’assesseur de collège il a affaire. Kovalev tries to talk to the nose, explaining the problem, but the nose dismisses him haughtily and takes its leave.
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Syava farbror Stepan, en  24 feb. 2021 — Memoarer av samtida Gogol. Arkiv båtar och yachter torrent Seminarium Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich torrent. Tåg-ritningar i kompassen.