Pictet-Russia Index-I USD - Brummer & Partners


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Sé el primero en opinar. 82,27 London Moor House, 120 London Wall, London, Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Telephone : +44 207 847 5000 Contact us Política de Investimento: Pictet-Russia Index R EUR The Compartment aims for the full and complete physical replication of the MSCI Russia Index (hereinafter the “Benchmark Index”). It aims to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of transferable securities or other eligible assets comprising all (or, on an exceptional basis, a substantial number) of the components Beleggingsdoelstelling: Pictet-Russia Index P EUR The Compartment aims for the full and complete physical replication of the MSCI Russia Index (hereinafter the “Benchmark Index”).

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Topp 3 inom kategorin Sub-fund : Pictet - Russia Index - Statement of investments and other net assets 462 - Geographical and industrial classification of investments 463 Sub-fund : Pictet - Emerging Markets High Dividend - Statement of investments and other net assets 464 64. pictet – russia index 215 65. pictet – emerging markets high dividend 218 66. pictet – emerging markets sustainable equities 221 67. pictet – quality global equities 224 68. pictet – robotics 227 annex 3: balanced compartments and other compartments 230 69.

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Pictet Emerging Markets Index, 7 %. Pictet India Index, 6 %. Pictet Russia  Pictet-Robotics.

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Política de Investimento: Pictet-Russia Index R EUR. The objective of this compartment is to enable investors to benefit from the growth of the Russian equities market by replicating the composition of the MSCI Russia Standard Index (net dividend reinvested) (NDEUSRU) (hereinafter the “Benchmark Index”). This compartment will invest in equities and Latest Pictet-Russia Index R EUR (LU0625742837:EUR) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more. PICTET - RUSSIA INDEX P EUR. Gestora:PICTET ASSET MGMT PICTET.

LU0625741789 PICTET - RUSSIA INDEX I USD Clase limpia. Sé el primero en opinar.
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Pictet russia index

2 Dec 2020 The Russian equity market usually enjoys a rally between September and there is now a very clear recovery kick at the end of the RTS index chart.

Sé el primero en opinar. 82,27 London Moor House, 120 London Wall, London, Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
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Pictet-Russian Equities R EUR - Fondmarknaden

Fondens startår: 2008-01-11 Fondens Bolag: Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA FondStorlek: 735,03 milj USD. Utveckling 2021. The New Prospectus Regime On 21 July 2019, the new EU Prospectus Regulation, along with the new Luxembourg Prospectus Act, fully entered into force. MiFID II/MiFIR LuxSE has adjusted its internal framework to ensure that it complies with the new MiFID II/MiFIR framework, entering into … Sub-fund : Pictet - Russia Index - Statement of investments and other net assets 501 - Geographical and industrial classification of investments 502 Sub-fund : Pictet - Emerging Markets High Dividend - Statement of investments and other net assets 503 - Geographical and industrial classification of … LU0625741862 Pictet Russia Index IS USD : Last NAV: 29/01/2021: 92.95 USD -1.04 % Documents Taxes Dividends Hist.