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SOSI1, Sotkamo Silver AB, SE0001057910 - Nasdaq

Shareholders in the Company have a pre-emptive right to subscribe for one (1) unit consisting of four (4) shares and one (1) warrant of SOTKAMO SILVER AB: SUBSCRIPTION RIGHT OF THE SHARE ISSUE. The subscription rights of the share issue of Sotkamo Silver AB will be traded as of April 16, 2020. Identifiers of the subscription rights: Trading code: SOSI1U0120 ISIN code: SE0014263018 Orderbook id: 194593 Sotkamo Silver consists of the parent company, Sotkamo Silver AB, with one wholly owned subsidiary in Finland. Sotkamo Silver AB owns, directly and through its subsidiary Sotkamo Silver Oy, mineral deposits containing silver, gold, zinc, and lead. The Company's main project is the Silver Mine in Sotkamo where the production has been running since March 2019. View Sotkamo Silver AB price, streaming chart and supplemental info.

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On monthly basis, gold price continued on its positive trend throughout the period. ISIN-code for Sotkamo Silver shares is SE0001057910. SOTKAMO SILVER Market Data: note priced 15 November 2019 Stock Code SOSIL.NGM; SOSI1.OMX Price (SEK) 4.13 12 m High (SEK) 5.00 12 m Low (SEK) 3.31 Shares (m) 134.98 Mkt Cap (SEKm) 557.5 Free Float 100% Description expects to produce 1. Sotkamo Silver started production at its Silver Mine in Sotkamo Silver Ab Share Price History (0N0X) Follow 0N0X. Buy. Sell.

MDWeb Detail View: SOSI

3,912.06. NASDAQ. 14,025.77.

Aktia har börsnoterats på NASDAQ OMX Helsinki - LED

Sotkamo Silver shares have been listed on the NGM Equity Stock Market in Stockholm since 2004, and from today the shares of the company are also secondary listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

Bolaget arbetar med prospektering och vidare utvinning av naturresurser. Störst andel av råvarorna består av silver, guld och zink.
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Sotkamo silver share price

Share issue: The Board of Directors of Sotkamo Silver AB (publ) (the “Company”) has on this day resolved, under an authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 11 April 2019, on a directed share issue of maximum of 4,200,000 shares for a subscription price of SEK 3.60 per share.

Share issue: The Board of Directors of Sotkamo Silver AB (publ) (the “Company”) has on this day resolved, under an authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 11 April 2019, on a directed share issue of maximum of 4,200,000 shares for a subscription price of SEK 3.60 per share. Earnings per share was -0.34 SEK (-0.26), before and after dilution; Cash and cash equivalents were 14 MSEK (8) Investments were 12 MSEK (30) The production was about 406 000 (220 000) ounces silver, 1 076 (600) ounces gold, 321 (150) tonnes lead, and 722 (290) tonnes zinc in concentrates Sotkamo Silver har brutit den stigande trendkanale This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title.
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BILAGA 2 – Kalkyler för Talvivaara och Sotkamo Silver många gånger och p.g.a.