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Sure Dividend. 2,398 likes · 16 talking about this. Sure Dividend is dedicated to finding high quality dividend growth stocks suitable for long-term investment. … Sure Dividend. 2,432 likes · 28 talking about this.

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See upcoming ex-dividends and access Dividata's ratings for General Mills. General Mills, Inc. (GIS) dividend growth history: By month or year, chart. Dividend history includes: Declare date, ex-div, record, pay, frequency, amount. I dag · GIS Dividend Yield. General Mills, Inc.’s next quarterly earnings report is expected to be released around June 29 – July 05, 2021. The annual dividend yield of the stock is 3.37 percent and its annual dividend per share was $2.04.

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Dividends are common dividends paid per share, reported as of the ex-dividend date. In general, profits from business operations can be allocated to retained earnings or paid to shareholders in the form of dividends or stock buybacks. GIS dividend history, yield, payout ratio, and stock fundamentals.

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GIS records 41% growth in net profit for the nine months period ended 30 September 2020 to reach QR 49 Dividend Distribution for the Financial Year Ended 31/12 GIS Dividend History & Description — General Mills Inc. General Mills manufactures and markets branded consumer foods. Co.'s segments are: North America Retail, which provides cereals, refrigerated yogurt, soup, meal kits, dessert and baking mixes, frozen pizza and pizza snacks, grain, fruit and savory snacks, and organic products, among others; Convenience Stores and Foodservice, which General Mills, Inc. (NYSE:GIS) declared a quarterly dividend on Monday, January 25th. Investors of record on Friday, April 9th will be given a dividend of 0.51 per share on Monday, May 3rd. This represents a $2.04 annualized dividend and a yield of 3.30%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, April 8th. Dividend History | Yields, dates, complete payout history and stock information GIS: General Mills raises dividend 15% to $0.38 quarterly: Updated: 2021-04-23. GIS Dividend History & Description — General Mills Inc. General Mills manufactures and markets branded consumer foods.

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Rating Breakdown. GIS. consumer-staples Avg. Relative Strength. The relative strength of a dividend stock indicates whether the stock is uptrending or not. The major determining factor in this rating is whether the stock is trading close to its 52-week-high.

The dividend yield measures the ratio of dividends paid / share price. Companies with a higher dividend yield tend to have a business model that allows them to pay out more dividends from net income like real estate and consumer defensive stocks. GIS Dividend.
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A cash dividend payment of $0.51 per share is scheduled to be paid on May 03, 2021.